Ep 2996b – [DS] Feeling The Pain, Narrative Shift In Full Force, Big Fail, Freedom Of Information = End
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The [DS] is feeling the pain, we are witnessing a full force narrative shift, this has already failed, they are getting caught up in their narrative. The freedom of information is now flowing out and the [DS] cannot stop it, this is why they are pushing back hard now, they are feeling the pain.
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- ← Ep 2996a – Woke Banking/Investing Has Been Put On Notice, D’s Fall Right Into Trump’s Trap
- Ep 2997a – Biden Right On Schedule, Currency War Is About To Begin, It’s Not What You Think →
Hi Dave.You mention information coming from John Durham.I have not heard a thing out of this guy since Denchenko and Sussman where let off the hook when they clearly should have done prison time due to the enormity of this hoax. Long and short Dave,I think Durham is a fake,phonie and a fraud,when Hillary should have been imprisoned by now. I mean..5 years and he’s 0-2?
Arizona doesn’t have a Stand Your Ground law like Florida and many other Red States.
Remember, Arizona is now a Blue State with a Liberal Attorney General who replaced a Liberal Republican AG. Unfortunately, the Rancher will never get out of jail, unless he is tried in his county. But, they will charge him with a Hate Crime, a Federal Charge and will get tried in Liberal Pima (Tucson) or Maricopa (Phoenix) at the Federal Courts.
Remember… Florida Governor DeSantis came out and told Homeowners and Property and Business Owners to Lock and Load against Looters just prior to the Hurricane. Stand Your Ground!
Lowest complaints for Looting in Florida Catastrophe Storm History!
Stand Your Ground!
What do you mean by “in the end” Dave?
What end? The end of the world?
We have a judge that is hiding exculpatory evidence on Trump.
Another thing – Just how does the military defend the constitution? How in the heck can that be the military’s job? The constitution is interpreted and protected in the courts of our Country. The military is for fighting wars against enemies of the United States.
The Ukraine conflict is about the Economic withdrawal by Kiev as demanded by the U.S.
Crimea’s economy was built around the sea ports, commercial and military that were primarily used by Russia for Grain Transport and the Russian Navy. Almost every Crimea business was Ancillary to the Sea ports. The U.S. sponsored a Coup, removed Yanakovich and installed Poroshenko than demanded that the Sea Ports be closed to Russia… that was 2014! So Kiev shut Crimea off without any financial assistance. Crimea Rebelled and asked Russia to come back!
Donbas primary economy was Coal Mining and Nuclear Power. The U.S. demanded Poroshenko to stop Coal Mining and Nationalize the Nuclear Power under the Green Energy guise! Again, Poroshenko closed the Coal Mines and tried to take over the Nuclear Power Plant and Donbas, Donetsk, Lugansk and the Eastern Region Rebelled, even form their own Law Enforcement and Defense agencies.
After months, Kiev couldn’t defeat the Donetsk Rebels so they shot a Dutch Airliner down and blamed Russia and the Rebels. Problem is it was hit with a BUK missile that the Donetsk Defense Agency doesn’t possess. And it was hit heading east towards Donetsk… it was shot from the west toward Kiev.
Anyway… we know how Donbas and Crimea are being targeted by the Zelensky Nazis. Notice the Western Media never asks… Why are you killing all these Civilians you claim to want to reunite?
Why do you keep sending young inexperienced troops to the front line whose life expectancy is now about 4-hours once engaged? Why does the U.S., NATO, EU keep giving Zelensky money and weapons used to kill his own people?
Yep… They couldn’t kill Mubarak, or the King of Morocco, or the PM of Tunisia, or Assad, or the Iran Leader… Only able to Murder Gaddaffi during Arab Spring murders. Now want Putin killed.
Yo Troops, These balloons are Not from China!! They are made in the USA. Source: Restored Republic GCR site.
Brianna’s halftime show was her replicating a vagina with the light skin on the outside and the dark pink on the inside and then she’s touching her vagina smelling her fingers and licking her fingers so you tell me she’s not just satanic doing that crap on a family show that’s what you need to call out so the people can recognize what the hell’s going on every time they do a sporting event the halftime show is satanic all those people are about is orgies and having sex with underage children and cannibalism and torture
To be FAIR (what a concept1) – Shouldn’t that Farmer who shot the ILLEGAL immigrant recidivist be FREE & out on BAIL for $1.00 or on his own recognizance? You know, like the conditions illegals & criminals get. I’m sure they’d find him on his farm, pending his court date. (Sorry he’s charged at all.)
It’s been proven by the last 2 cycles that we can’t beat the machines or the people running them. How do you think 45 will win again?
@36:00~ Rand Paul does NOT say “asking….” He says, “As Ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, I DEMAND….”