Ep 2997b – High Possibility Of ‘Multiple Day’ Events Forcing Pause On News, Witch Hunt, No Deals

15 thoughts on “Ep 2997b – High Possibility Of ‘Multiple Day’ Events Forcing Pause On News, Witch Hunt, No Deals

  • February 14, 2023 at 8:52 pm

    Dave The people I talk with and myself are losing faith in this drag it out to wake people up game. I think Trump is losing more support than he is gaining. How about asking a bunch of people in Ohio what they think about all the distractions. The longer this plays the more that are put in danger or worse. Some will never wake up, it’sBS.

  • February 14, 2023 at 9:07 pm

    So when is our own government going to take down our power grid and kill millions of Americans, and claim it’s done by some foreign unknown?

  • February 14, 2023 at 9:56 pm

    The military is not I charge .

  • February 14, 2023 at 10:01 pm

    “America couldn’t take it if all the names were dropped at once”. Please, stop the BS.

  • February 14, 2023 at 10:35 pm

    There is no talking these Biden voters out of their BRAINWASHED WAYS! They all believe WE ARE CRAZY! THEY WOULDN’T RECOGNIZE THE TRUTH IF IT SLAPPED THEM IN THE FACE!

  • February 14, 2023 at 11:00 pm

    I think what Dave’s listeners might be uneasy with, is calling these terrible events happening recently, “distractions”. Innocent men, women and children are DYING during these Deep State “distractions”. I know human life is meaningless to these globalist elites. But these could be us or our families, co-workers dying the next time these evil murderers need to hide their crimes. I know “distraction” is 100% exactly what it is. Dave is totally correct. Can we please use another word or term for their criminal activity? Maybe, diversions or divergence might be better? Those would indicate compassion for the victims or a tribute even. I just wanted to indicate to anyone who’s suffering terribly due to all of this, that the patriots acknowledge their sacrifice. Thanks for listening. WWG1WGA

  • February 14, 2023 at 11:22 pm

    I’m one of your fans. I listen to you every time you have your program. I turn on all of my friends to X22. I wish you would STOP with the bullshit movie crap. Neo??? The matrix??? Believe it or not, some are not cartoon intellects that listen to you. When you start paralleling movies with actual serious events, I turn you off!! I am a movie buff. I have over 3500 movies both VHS and DVDs. I’m sick and tired of your MATRIX comparisons. Last and not least, you’re going back to 2016, 2017 and etc., Are you saying that Q has biblical gifts? STOP!!! We are in 2023. I thank GOD for what you do, you are a TRUE PATRIOT and I appreciate you and will continue to listen to every program. When you visit NEO and delve into the prophetic nonsense I vacate. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! I PRAY FOR YOU. GOD BLESS.

  • February 14, 2023 at 11:58 pm

    always telling us the whit hats have it under control, they know the play book, if they do then why are the distractions allowed? OH. train derailment toxic liquid and smoke, mass shootings at MSU, if its only the info the have control of/over they better get some real action going to show the people who is boss.

  • February 14, 2023 at 11:59 pm

    always telling us the white hats have it under control, they know the play book, if they do, then why are the distractions allowed? OH. train derailment toxic liquid and smoke, mass shootings at MSU, if its only the info the have control of/over they better get some real action going to show the people who is boss.

  • February 15, 2023 at 12:18 am

    Always telling us white hats have it under control, they know the play book, if they do, then why are the distractions allowed? OH. train derailment toxic liquid and smoke, mass shootings at MSU, if its only the info the have control of/over they better get some real action going to show the people who is boss.

  • February 15, 2023 at 9:33 am

    The Ohio disaster was planned. Nobody in this useless worthless lying democrap government, epa, fema, lying media or climate change idiots care. WHY? The town voted 70% for President Trump and is a Republican city. If this was a democrap city then it would be declared an emergency but NO it’s ok they’re Republicans. Instead of cleaning this up they decided on a planned burn releasing toxic fumes for hundreds of miles.

  • February 15, 2023 at 9:34 am

    Hamlins neck tattoo (letter P) behind left ear disappears? Must be a side affect from the treatment!!! Suspect….

  • February 15, 2023 at 10:42 am

    Dave, YOU said they were behind the scenes making deals in your other videos. NOW there is no deals and haven’t been any deals?


  • February 15, 2023 at 11:56 am

    I am the furthest thing from a Greenie you can get, but your example of the glass not running over when the ice melts was RIDICULOUS! All the ice on the planet isn’t floating on water. Lots of it is on the land. Duhhh

  • February 15, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    Love Mark Twain’s words!


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