Ep 3000b – Soros Enters The Picture, Stage Set, The Pyramid Is Collapsing
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The [DS] is trying to get back at the patriots, they are creating chaos and anarchy. Their pyramid is collapsing, they are fighting for the their lives and they do not have the ammunition to use on Trump. Trump and the patriots have all the leverage, one of their last attempts is to try to beat Trump in the 2024 elections. Soros just entered the picture and he is now backing DeSantis. Why choose DeSantis, because they believe they can win and then have DeSantis lose the Presidency. Lets see how this all plays out in the end.
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I don’t trust Smith he is trying to get Trump for Jan 6th
The Supremes HAVE to Deny Lake’s appeal. Otherwise, they say that all the Courts along the way that intentionally Denied and Ignored the Appeal and its Evidence were Biased. Otherwise, 30 some Appeals Judges and multiple Appeals Courts are just plain Ignorant of the Law. Not Statistically Probable! Maybe one or two is dumber than a brick, but not all of them!
This is not a Mathematical Equation that takes different approaches and end up with different answers to an unknown result. An Equation that can be argued either way. The Supremes can simply say we think there’s more merit to this than that.
In the Arizona case, the Evidence is facts. More Ballots received than the Population. More Ballots received in the District than Registered. No Chain of Custody exists. No counts on the Boxes of the Ballots contained therein. Counting Machines Connected to Internet. Counting Machines not Sabotage Sealed. Counting Machine Software not Certified for Use.
These are ALL in the Arizona Constitution for Election Integrity and can only be changed by the Arizona House of Representatives… which DID NOT HAPPEN. The Secretary of State issued a Policy Directive… Not a Legal Document.
So, if the Courts intentionally ignored Arizona Constitution Legality, then they must be disciplined or SIDED WITH!
If the U.S. Supremes rule against the Arizona Supremes and the Layers of Appeals Courts, then the U.S. Supremes MUST TAKE Action against those courts who are Biased!
Don’t be surprized if it’s the israelis that did the nordstream pipline. Byden is a loser and a traitor. But our cia has been run by the mossod for decades. They do whatever they want. Biden will take the heat for the israelis. If it actually was the israelis that did it, you can be sure that Putin knows it.
On soros/DeSantis, soros will be able to control DeSantis. DeSantis does not know the world that the oligarchs live in. Trump knows that world who’s in it, and how they operate. And Trump has the means to fight the soros gang.
Congrats Dave on your BIG 3000th episode!!! Awesome!
Congratulations Dave!
Ep 3000
Keep up the good work!
Jack Smith is not a white hat!
Dave here’s the proof Milspec Ops already provided it on his show. You should try to interview him (if he’ll agree). I flew in the Navy on EP-3E’s and he’s spot on.
ISR Chief
Happy Birthday X22 Report!! 3000 episodes.
Saturday night’s not alright.
I caught myself humming your soundtrack today… bumm bumm bum-bum-bum-bum-bum bumm bumm bum-bum-bum-bum-bum…yes, the whole thing.
A war we have to fight until the end huh?
Whatever happened to “We have it all” and “Nothing can stop what is coming” ??
If they have it all, meaning all the evidence, and they have “the military” – please explain what all this BS nonsense of dragging it out year after year after year is for.
Why would they sit there, with the ability to end all of this at any time, and do nothing? For the people to see? The people see. The ones who DON’T see will never see. But hmmm, maybe they’d “SEE” if the evidence was actually brought out. Ooooooh. That’s never going to happen. Because they don’t have it all and this is and has been nothing but nonsense.
Oh, we can take out the entire Deep State at any time. We have it all.
We just don’t want to.
Yeah…..that makes sense. Sure.
Hello Dave,
In regards to Soros… He’s made lots of his money by investing in currencies.. He’ll take the contrarian view meaning he’ll short the currency if there’s stress and strife causing a negative view.. I think this is why he ferments violence. He’s trying to cause the currency to become volatile. It would be a great interview to find someone very knowledgeable in currency trading. It could shed lots of light in this tyrant Nazi’s real reasons for what he does..
Thank you Dave, I feel that we are close to the end…the exposure of the rigged election coming out, the evil cabal, etc…& Trump coming back. I’m so thankful & grateful 4 all your reports as I honestly don’t think I could have survived without them; in fact, I know I couldn’t have. You probably saved thousands of patriot lives by giving us intel & hope with your dry sense of humour. God Bless you & your family Dave. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have an X22Report Celebration Party when Trump is back in the WH officially for the world to see. 🙏🇺🇲
Snow White is one of Hillary Clinton’s nicknames