Ep 3011b – [DS] Exposed Themselves, Sacrificed Public Trust Just To Get Rid Of Trump, Down She Goes
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The [DS] has pushed everything at Trump, he baited them in and they used almost all their ammunition, but in the process to get Trump they made stupid moves, the exposed their system and the people saw the truth and they have now lost trust in many of the agencies, companies and Hollywood. The people are on the side of Trump and in the process he allowed the [DS] to destroy themselves.
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- ← Ep 3011a – [CB]/[WEF] To Reach Their Goal, They Will Need Expose Their Plan, Game Over
- Ep 3012a – Trump Announces A Quantum Leap In The Standard Of Living, Economy Is About To Change →
Great Report Dave!
The very very weak think in terms of not allowing China to own property or to build near US military sites.
I say China has no right to own any property at all in the united states or its territories. In fact, no non American can own any American property of any kind and that includes stocks in American compaqnies.
All Americnas who have facilitat5ed the sale of American real estate or businesses to non Americans will be arrested and tried for treason and imprisoned or executed.
The Democrats I know ARE NOT CONFORMING to Republic ideas. You Su that,,” they’re all coming around.” but they aren’t.
Democrats DON’T SEE IT!
Cause he is a filthy skank devils seeded jew scumbag…
all those piles of putrid rancid dung shouldn’t be allowed to be sucking in air
Dave, so sorry your sound isn’t working!!! Please repair and repost; we hate to miss
any of the episodes. Is this part of the blackouts or what?
Blessings your way.
Why would we allow communist China to buy any land in OUR country?
Until they investigate/fix 2020-22, this is wasted effort. Period full stop. Now the ass-0’z are talking block chain voting. It’s all a joke
No foreigner or big corporation should be allowed to OWN LAND in America. All land held by big corporations and foreigners should be seized and then Americans could buy the land. Big corporations should have to RENT the land from Americans and ONLY make products that are PROVEN to be safe for consumption and use and tested by private company’s NOT connected to the corporation. The governments should NOT own ANY land or seize ANY land from the people . Eminent domain should NOT even exist. The government should NOT be able to buy land from people except when the people decide to sell the land of their own FREE will .
good grief dave. you sound like a mf moron when you talk about chess. read a book. that’s not how chess and checkmate works.
you sound like the idiots in the movie independence day.
don’t believe any of this crap folks, none of it is happening. there are no patriots and trump isn’t a mastermind behind the scenes getting ready to arrest anyone.
this all should go away in 2024 when we go to the polls to vote for trump. this Q bs should vanish because it’ll all be debunked to the point, you’re a stupid person if you follow the lies.
Fauci wife
Dr Christine Grady
(After over three (1985) decades of marriage won’t use her real name!)
is the head of the
Department of BioETHICS. !!!
“Grady has worked in nursing, clinical research, and clinical care, with a specialization in HIV. She was a Commissioner on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues from 2010 and 2017.“
A large, mixed group of American Citizens gathering at the Capitol in DC, is invited into a public building that “We the People” paid for and support in operation. they came, some to view, most to PROTEST, States’ delegates voting to CONFIRM the results of the Nov. 2020 presidential election. They are invited in, sometimes waved in, by people dressed in uniform as police officers, staffing (or, as police prefer to say) ‘controlling’ the many doorways. Most people are walking, gawking, some taking photos as the crowd flows through open spaces and up stairways for a chance at a better view. There were some few people engaging in violent or destructive acts, but these are high-visibility exceptions to majoritybehavior, which was & remained peaceful & civil. Hundreds of attendees have since been arrested, reportedly interrogated & deprived of typical arrestees’ rights, such as legal counsel & bail.
the head of the cdc I forgot her name well her husband received a 3 million$ grant for his brand new, never before research the company he works for was given a 16 million $ “grant” from fraudci’s wife’s gang of ghouls from nhi…dr malone said more info is not needed, “more info would be only be confirming their crimes” against …once again a dr is wrong, we suffered needlessly due to their agenda their greed and just plain monstrous ghoulish acts of treason …I want to know the names of all who were complicit in the most horrific crimes against the people of the world…especially the traitors, the AINO’s American in name only aka traitors from both sides, from the people we must trust the most , the ones we put our lives in their hands, those in the medical profession which is now a ghouls industry…we the people want those names, those families of the criminals who took fraudci’s $$$ that remained silent as true Americans died …Nuremburg did nothing to stop monsters…we need to finally put an end once and for all to the ghouls ruining/running our lives…I don’t trust any of them who waited till my POTUS exposed the crimes…pre Trump crickets…now the AINO’S will crawl out of the woodwork…I trust the plan I don’t trust those voting machines…seriously does any sane person expect a different result using the same equipment ask keri lake….we must go paper ballots seriously start now we maybe ready to win in 2024 ….or rent every billboard on every highway/roadway flashing the truth 24/7 start with “5 police officers died 1/6” growled a lady I play cards with …gee Dave I can’t combat that she needs to see the truth on a billboard off I95, Belt pkwy, Sunset blvd …if I can help in any capacity let me know …I’m very proud of you and our POTUS…oh listen we the people can’t wait till January 2025 …when bama is the equity czar and the who takes over we the people are lost, as we wait for the SCOTUS to decree it’s all unconstitutional …I’m in