Ep 3035b – If The Criminals Control It All, What Must Be Done? There Is Only One Way, Equal Justice
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The [DS] has nothing with Trump, the indictment is for show and to make his base angry this will not work. The criminal syndicate and infiltrated almost every part of our country. The only way forward is to allow the [DS] to continue to commit the crimes. The patriots always knew we needed to go out of the system if we were going to bring down the [DS]. The setup is almost complete, everything they are doing to Trump will be done to them, Nothing can stop this.
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- ← Ep 3035a – The [CB]/[DS] Is Being Weakened, Their System Will Come Crashing Down On Them
- Ep 3036a – The [CB] Is Being Ripped Apart, Appear Weak When You Are Strong →
Dave I sure as shit hope so
Dave, suppose you are more right with your theory than wrong. Do you suppose there’s part of president Trump’s plan to circle back after military tribunals in order to clean up the corrupt judges and DA’S??? I think that leaving any part of the cabal’s soldiers will end up right back here. Just a thought.
Very well done, Dave! And WOW, what a beautiful climax! What a leader we have in President Trump,, and the strong support far and wide is very amazing. I am very proud to be a patriotic American fighting the good fight. WWG1WGA!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! God bless America!
Jane Whitington
Dave, I can no longer download X22 Report directly to my device for posting. Was this intentional? If so, WHY?!
Facebook blocks X22 Report URLs.
Whenever I start getting upset and freaked out about it all, I listen to the next episode and you do such a great job of explaining it all that I feel calm and relaxed by the end. Thank you for all you do!!!
I love your broadcast but i love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more. Please if i may respectfully ask that you not use Gods name in vain as you did in episode 3034 I would greatly appreciate it. I thank you in advance, your brother in Christ.
Don’t forget guys, POTUS will use the military to round up all these evil pedophiles. The military is the only way.
Trump has it all. He’s going to use the military to arrest all these people. Just like a dictator. This won’t at all throw the country into a tailspin.
Pretty sure I’ve seen this before in an old news reel from the 40s. Hard to understand it though, the narration is in German.
Now I think the DS wants to get, some reaction from MAGA people and they will try and do violence(Antifa, BLM) blame it on MAGA people just like the J6 event!
If we dont get our country back soon there might not be much country to get back! Maybe even some kind of WW 3, event!
I wonder if the Anti-Christ is here or still coming, and the mark of the beast! Thank you, David!
Dave my wife and I have enjoyed your show almost from the beginning! So now talk about playing both sides of the fence Desantimonious knew about the Demonrats trying to take out Trump! This is why he won’t pull his hat out of running for President! But the fact that he isn’t sure and bounces all around while on Sorros payroll means he isn’t quite so sure they will and is trying to save what face he has left!
The Marxist/Democrats do not want teachers to have the right to carry in schools, because the Dems love chaos , create the problem so they can sell you the antidote which is their evil agenda! The Democrats are trying to get a necular attack on the country, why because the had the population reduced while they hide in their underground cities that are packed with survival things that supply them for at least a year!