Ep 3057b-Assets Are In Place,It Will Send A Signal To Others,I Will Win,I Will Win,Sum Of All Fears
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The [DS] is now panicking and they are desperately trying to get control of the narrative, this is failing. RFK is now red pilling the D’s, the majority of the country will be awake and thinking logically when it all goes down. Scavino sends a message with, the song is from Sum of All Fears, Nessum Dorma. The people will be brought the precipice and at that point Trump will push peace and the assets will released to round up the foot soldiers. When dawn comes, Trump will win, he will win, he will win and the people will win.
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- ← Ep 3057a – [WEF] Accelerates Their Plan, Patriots Trap [JB]/[CB]/[WEF]
- Derek Johnson – Continuity Of Government Is In Place, Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary →
Your video for today did not play. Instead it was a group commentary on Star Wars.
I’m having a hard time with family members. No matter what I say or tell them to be calm, PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL, I’m not afraid, they give me a hard time. I’m frustrated with them!
You haven’t heard the most powerful rendition of Nessun Dorma, until you listen to Mario Lanza’s 1948 rendition, 1948, recoded live.
Please do. Bliss.
RFK, Jr.’s past, adamantly professed ideas on “anthropomorphic climate change” has me wondering, given his resources and intellectual capacity, is he as genuine as a three dollar bill? Maybe he can talk, very well, but can’t grasp scientific standards or methods.
There’s a lot of that going around. We have computer modelers, social “scientists”, and economists pretending to be the equivalent of physical scientists, for no good reasons. Maybe some believe it. (Puts head in a pillow to scream, at least in imagination.)
He has tried to walk it back, apparently, more recently saying that climate narratives are used to control, just as COVID narratives were used.
In my mind, that recent ‘enlightenment’ in no way mitigates his expressed desire to imprison “climate deniers”.
He could be an essentially decent guy, good intentions paving the roads to hell regardless. Still, that is careless near to the point of malfeasance, given his influence. Had he been in office, it would be malfeasance.
He may still actually believe that CO2 emissions are pollutants and a danger to life on Earth.
We can’t afford more of that sort of stupidity and/or carelessness and/or deception in power.
The DS operatives/tools say much that we want to hear, only to shield the knife they mean to use, to stab ‘we the people’ in the back.
I am forcing myself to follow along, keep watching and listening, forcing myself to place full judgement on a shelf and be as fair to him as I can be… knowing what he said about a man-made climate disaster denialist, me. Prison! I won’t move that tidbit off the shelf, as I watch.
BTW, thanks to Dave, and “Vincerro!”
Hi Dave;
Many of us longtime listeners have left, and no longer buy into your message. Believe that most of us are wide awake. The “Plan” has not produced one substantive action to depose the deep state. Not one arrest, no substantive electoral reform, no favorable actions by SCOTUS … and now the last refuge for the country’s conservative followers (Fox) is near gone. You want us believing the Deep State is on the run, soon to collapse because the massive weight of our conservative movement has, in its grasp, their imminent defeat. Dominion (Market cap $53 Mil) just won a settlement 15 times their market cap. How would this ever be possible in our legal system without the aid, if not direction and full force and effect of the Federal Government ??? Isn’t this akin to the monumental victories they got with the ’20 and ’22 elections? ( It’s got to rank right up there near the top). This is an outrageous settlement that would, in normal times be defeated in Appeals court. They had Murdock stone cold and he caved with disastrous results and it will be the gift that keeps on giving because secret elements of that settlement will never be known.
We have seen their true power on full display. The truths Tucker and Fox have brought us will have evaporated and the Fox makeover and induction into the Legacy Media is near complete.
You sell us hope. And faith. “Trust the Plan”. Not such bad ideas … but like my dad always said with this little bit of reality: “Wish in one hand, s**t in the other – see which one gets full first”
“Trump will push peace and the assets will released….”
WHAT is that “key word”? HELLO? The Key Word is “BE”. eg. the assets will BE released.”
OH, IS THAT how it makes sense. Yes! Because “BEING”, EXISTENCE itself is a Key requisite for just about ANYTHING that happens, or at least, anything that is of importance TO US – don’t you think?
I find this FREQUENT, GLARING omission near INEXPLICABLE in the writing & comments these days by so many Americans.
Hi Dave,
I did not receive e-mail for episode 3057. please double-check and make sure I am still subscribed.
Thank you Howard
Don’t leave the PAYSEUR FAMILY OUT!!!!!!
Its the Khazarian Mafia that’s controlling the Deep State.
Just like “fake” news media creating their own narrative. What was the point in given Q clearance to expose the truth? What was the point in being entrusted to expose the “swamp?” There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q clearance in the QResearch back channel.The news articles trashing “QAnon” are written by clueless journalists.The news articles trashing “QAnon” are mis/disinformation.The “Fake” news media knows I exposed a worldwide,demonic trafficking/pedophile ring involving the Vatican, government, hollywood and royal family.The “fake” news media knows I exposed all the names of government “swamp” and hollywood “elite” in Epstein’s flight log.The “fake” news media knows I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms of Epstein island, caught on security camera 11.There are many creating their own narratives for profit and fame.There are many spreading misinformation with phony “intel” sources.The “swamp” got caught and I exposed all the demons four years ago.I also exposed the “elites” drug “andrenochrome” derived from adrenalized blood. President Trump knows the “fake” news media are “knowingly” ignoring me.There are no coincidences why I was chosen to serve my country.The “swamp” got caught and nothing can stop what is coming.President Trump promised me “justice is coming”.