Ep 3068b – Did Trump Just Send A Message? Space Force, Military Is The Only Way Forward
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The [DS] is panicking, they need to remove Trump anyway the can, and the new tactic is to keep him busy with lawsuits and try to gag him with each one so he cannot respond during the election, this is called election interference. The Space Force was created by Trump and it was not covered by the POSSE COMITATUS until after the 2020 elections. The insurrection was triggered on Nov 3 and the military came online to monitor everything. The [DS] will not prosecute their own, the military is the only way forward.
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I really don’t think the Trump haters care one iota if the election was rigged or not Dave. Simple
common sense from the very beginning is all it took to know. The liberals saw Biden in the basement and his rallies were nothing more than a joke. They do not care and they don’t care now and are probably hoping their party has a more secure way to do it next year. You cannot fix ignorance and the people out here in the public don’t give flying flip how they stay in power as long as they just get it done. Riots and chaos will be considered their duty.I don’t know one liberal that is even remotely questioning the last election as a fraud.They hate Trump and that is the only fact they care about and if Barney ran instead of Biden,they’d vote for the purple dinosaur…
You said “Keystone” I wonder if that might also correlate with. Daniel chapter 2 prophecy about the keystone that the builders rejected. That dashed to pieces that feet made of iron and clay? As a fellow believer what do think? Ocourse this is only speculation until played out or revealed to the world!!
Anderson Cooper never said that asshole comment. Stop your fake news. Your as bad as CNN.
I read the CDC is suggesting everyone wear a mask during the next flu season, just as a precaution. Why? Because the terrorists can do what they did before, dress up like Trump supporters, wear their masks and riot. This is clearly a psyop. We already have documented studies that masks offer no protection and in fact, can make you sick in a number of different ways. We can’t allow terrorists to hide behind masks again and shairade as MAGA Supporters! Remember January 6th!
We are not a nation of “immigrants”.
The vast majority of us were BORN in this Country. A large percentage of those of us who were BORN in this Country are decendants of western european immigrants.
We are not a Nation of immigrants because we were BORN HERE.
Cartel – B Family – Money?
Trap for Elon 😢
Dave, you are incredible journalist, broadcaster lots of knowledge & a lot of truth, my husband & I are praying for you.
Dear Dave, I just started listening to episode 3068. Your beginning theme blue my eardrums out. You need to balance your sound. I listen to your podcasts with earbuds.
How can we get Trump back in the Whitehouse when the elections are unsecured at this present moment, there’s no moving forward until these issues are addressed. 💯
“Obama in the Basement” seems a convenient figment of the imagination. Like a 1/2-black unicorn.
I cannot imagine that the Trump admin., or the White Hats, would allow the former president to continue his illegal, Anti-Constitutional destructive activities for years, without ‘taking strong action’.
– Unless, like a top chess player, Pres. Trump NEEDED / NEEDS a strong opponent. I believe there’s PLENTY of opposition to deal with, without OB, from current “(p)resident” down to local dog-catcher. But I do appreciate the daily updates & info on who said / wrote / passed what, in the public sphere.
I, for one, have not been returned to Twitter because of what I tweeted about the jab and the laptop from hell.
is that a justification for the Marines killing the man? whats wrong with uo people always seeking for justification for killing our people? all of this is all coming to a close–because people are going to be held accountable for black suffering on this planet