Ep 3079b – [DS] Lost Control Of The People, Trump Pivots And Fires A Shot, Optics Are Important
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The [DS] has now lost control of the people, they don’t have the narrative and they desperately want it back, but this will not happen, once the people are awake you can’t put them back to sleep. Trump pivots and is now going to use DeSantis’s people to prove the [DS] crimes. Optics are important. Biden is on his way out, CBS already begins to against him, which means they got permission to do so. Change of batter coming.
- ← Ep 3079a – Banks Need Explanation For Cash Withdrawals, Trump Sends Message, Provides Solutions
- Ep 3080a – Never Interfere With An Enemy While They Are In The Process Of Destroying Themselves →
Because at DeSantis rally was picturing taken of no other…George Soros. I saw the picture on Twitter. I forget who got it but you could DeSantis smiling half his face covered, but it was soros . Don’t know if you can find it but I think that’s why it was audio & not on video.
Hi Dave, thank you for this special Saturday episode. I always look forward to hearing from you. You do amazing work, with an alert perspective!
I went back to get the infor but it’s been deleted. It was may 25 ATftermath 2020.
Dave, I love your show for so long now. I would like to point to the CIA’s buzz word:
[conspiracy theory]. Now we have to dissect this. To conspire means to plan bad, evil or
illegal activity.
It is not a theory when proven to be true and only remains a theory when the facts are
not present or hidden. Once the facts come out, the theory part goes away and becomes
a fact, just like we have been witnessing.
We know that the CIA promoted this term yet it did not originate there but in earlier times of
our country. Now that we know the CIA did have George Scherff Jr. AKA(Bush) as an involved
member of the JFK assassination and was a member of the skull and bones cult, this must lead
to the CIA and other three letter agencies being DS operations like IRS, etc. All this information
must come out along with all documented proofs. Constipation is not good and eventually gets
resolved; may it all come out soon!
I’m trying to talk to someone that we need Social Security needs to be re; looked. Why if one person of a couple dies the other go’s on the highest ones check. The other check is never allowed to keep. Why is this allowed and where does that check go? S.S. needs to be relooked at for the better of Seniors.