Ep 3080a – Never Interfere With An Enemy While They Are In The Process Of Destroying Themselves
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John Kerry is now pushing the idea that farmers need to stop growing food. They are coming after the farmers to make us eat bugs. The [CB] is now in the process of destroying themselves. The debt ceiling was never the issue, it is the [CB] that is the problem.
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- ← Ep 3079b – [DS] Lost Control Of The People, Trump Pivots And Fires A Shot, Optics Are Important
- Ep 3080b – [DS] Showed The People The Blueprint To Beat Them, Puzzle Coming Together →
The California wild fires (camp fires) back some years ago were deliberately set by DEWS (directed energy weapons) and by the electric company (PG&E). I watched the videos that people there were posting online as everything was happening. Thousands of people were deliberately burned up. But somehow the remaining people were silenced and we still do not know how many were killed and what their names were.
Now, something else you really need to know is that the Rothschilds bought out PG&E electric company there in Butte county. They also were doing their best buy out many private lands. Don’t know whatever really came of it all. It was s horrible ordeal for everyone who lived in Paradise and others too.
PS There was a school bus full of children that was deliberately hit by DEWS and all children were lost. Not a word said about that at all.
If you have any further information about this, I would sure like to hear from you.
Ground Kerry’s jets, these people are nuts. The bigger fool is the one that believes anything these fools say.’
if the house can cut the budgets of government agencies on their own, they need to do it now and start with the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the CDC the FDA homeland security shouldn’t be a penny going for abortions the arts or NPR. There is so much waste in government. It’s disgusting. It would be easy to cut those all by 50%. If not more get some backbone Congress McCarthy if you don’t step up you’re not gonna have a pot to piss in! if you need some back bone get a graft from Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Anna paulina Luna from Florida. if you give them a penny to raise the debt, you better have audit strings attached or The dums are just gonna keep rolling over you Republicans, you spineless doormats. we don’t care if Wall Street or the system goes down tomorrow – those stinking scum, sucking bankers – some of the corrupt POS’s on earth. We know what is going on! It is time to end this BS!