Ep 3117b – [DS] Forced The Creation Of A New Party, Final Battle Approaches, Majority Has The Power
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Trump and the patriots pushed the [DS] down a path and they actually created a new political party called MAGA. Trump is following in the footsteps of Andrew Jackson. Trump has spent this time exposing the [DS] and showing the people how they are taking your freedom away. As the people learn how the [DS] operates they will fight to take back the country. The majority has the power to fight, they are being shown how.
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- ← Ep 3117a – The People Are Rising Up, Economic Lies Exposed, Crisis equals Economic Shift
- Ep 3118a – Inflation Now Blamed On We The People, Yellen Signals Recession →
Germ theory is pseudoscience contagion is a myth
Certificate Of Vaccination ID 1984 is 100% pure political terrorism
I’m pushing for Vivek Ramaswamy for Vice President. He’d make a great President too, but I love Trump. ♥️🇺🇸👍
Great message Dave. I along with millions of other Americans will be so Grateful when this f*”:’!; movie is over because I am f'”:!*+ Is over.
Posting this got me FaceBook CENSORED AGAIN:
That’s CA State Auditor WhistleBlower Act 8547 FELONY HARASSMENT
(W20130197, 7 Mar 2013,)
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
Hatsue Kiyoko Fiedler (Matsumoto, Japanese,) my deceased (28 Nov 98, 28 YEARS, MURDERED,) in SHITcago, IL staged hit from behind accident.
My car similarly rear ended nine (9) times prior her death, the tenth SO serious, my car totaled, me, hospitalized with back, neck injuries. The reckless driver not held financially liable.
PRIOR to Hatsue’s MURDER, my car was hit from behind while stopped in SHITcago, IL traffic: NINE (9) times!
We are victims of the corrupt CA judicial / political system. YOU safe?
If CAL 19280 is CA LAW, how is it enacted, WHY NOT taught K – 12?
Juvenile crime restitution becomes PARENT financial burden until PAID IN FULL!
No crime, criminals NO VICTIMS!
Victims AND criminals entitled to CAL 19280 compensation from CORRUPT CA POLITICIANS
2004 CA Governor Arnold Schwartzenigger + CA Attny Gen KAMALA HARRIS = 2004 enacted CA Rev & Tax Code 19280 PISSED OFF a WHOLE BUNCH Íf CAL 19280 is CA LAW, how is it enacted? WHY isn’t it taught K-12, PARENTS of criminal juveniles are FINANCIALLY LIABLE to CA Franchise Tax Board who collects on behalf of victims, AND ALLfor ANY CFTB collection burden, PLUS expenses, pain, suffering … (CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB))
Ventura Superior Court – DA, Victim Services Inspector Chris Morkavic TwO (2) verbal PHONE MESSAGE THREATS of CIVIL LITIGATION!
CAL 19280 inquiries lead Ventura County Probation Agency sending TWO (2) Ventura Sheriffs to intimidate / harass me. CA State Auditor WHISTLEBLOWER Act 8547 harassment (W20130194, 7 Mar 2013,) a FELONY! The sheriffs FLEED pending THEIR ARREST.
This Port Hueneme Police pigger logic: THIS PHPP came up behind me, FAILED TO IDENTIFY HIMSELF, said, “OK now, I’m gonna remove your helmet (Which protected me from head injury,) placed helmet on ground, picked up helmet, turned helmet camera off, FELONY TAMPERED / MODIFIED video evidence (Video PHPP edited removing MY BEING DRAGGED?, audio edited,); FELONY PERJURED PHP accident report let Jose Angel Hernandez go. …
PHP officers told me said PHPiggers are no longer with PHP, 8 Aug 20. PH Police Chief replaced IMMEDIATELY following this MURDER ATTEMPT, TERRORISM. Are the PHPiggers on desk duty? Fired? Prison? How do I get my $¾ MILLION medical bills paid? PHPiggers let the MILITARY WETBACK FREE!
PHP TAMPERED with my helmet cam video, that’s FELONY EVIDENCE TAMPERING by POLICE. PHP Traffic Collision Report 16-13274 contains TWENTY-ONE (21) FELONY PERJURIES.
HIT & RUN Jose Angel Hernandez has NO AUTO INSURANCE!
PHP WANTS to go to prison? Or be SECOND 19280 enforcement? 2004 enacted, thus CA (LAW) Revenue & Taxation Code 19280 transfers delinquent criminal restitution collection to CFTB.
What will PHP do to repay my UNINSURED MOTORIST LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY on the hook for some $750,000 MEDICAL BILLS.
CRT, NOT 19280 taught K – 12
Why …
Google CAL 19280 (19280)
2004 ENACTED, CA Revenue & Taxation Code 19280 CAN hold convicted criminals FINANCIALLY LIABLE to CFTB (IRS,?) who REPRESENTS THE VICTIM!
2004 CA LAW enacted SEVENTEEN (17,) YEARS AGO!
CFTB assists restitution delinquent criminal find employment;
CFTB enacts WAGE GARNISHMENT to criminals wages;
CFTB enacts criminal property liens;
19280 enactment NOT a CA taxpayer burden; NO criminal restitution, CPC 1203(e) interest affect
19280 enactment of a CRIMINAL FINANCIAL LIABILITY, BURDEN (Administrative Fee!)
Yet …
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
Wait for it …
What are YOUR elected officials doing?
CA Senator Diane Feinstein told me SHE recalls her CAL 19280 (19280,) work
VP Kamala Harris, former CA Attorney General…
Newsome, Pelosi, Schiff, Waters 19280 aware, derelict?
If NO ONE is aware of 19280, WHO THEN is liable?
VP Kamala Harris, former CA Attorney General…?
Not CA?
NO 19280 there
Dave, you will be one of those in the garden, thank you for for what you do
Keep your eye on California.
This is so unbelievable that a once wonderful state has become so corrupt. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!
Another great X22 report…thanks Dave…for your dedication.
Hoping Trump picks Vivek as his running mate
I thought the military would take back the country. Trump and the people are incapable of that against the tremendous power of deep state and the illuminati.
Yesterday, July 16th, 2023, (5) of us went to the theater in Stuart, Fl. on Monteray & U.S. Hwy. 1. to see: “SOUND OF FREEDOM”. After 5 trailers of disney movies coming the screen went BLANK FOR 45 MIN. This place was run by evil spirits but we all prayed and finally the film came on. Oh, several people left.
God Bless,
Monica N.
We ants are getting ready to take it to the grasshoppers!!