Ep 3142a – Inflation Reduction Act, Build Back Better All Failed, Boomerang Effect
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The [WEF] plan is falling apart, the green new deal is not working and the climate hoax is failing, so they bring out Podesta, he failed. The people will know in the end who the lier’s are, those who say the economy is fine as it crashes.
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- ← Ep 3141b – Cyber Attack Simulation Completed By [WEF],Pause, Planned & Accounted For,Think Election
- Ep 3142b – he How Will Be Hard For Most People To Understand, Focus On Why, It’s Happening Now →
Temps are notably over 110 in the Phoenix area. I know, I’ve lived it for the past 12 yrs!!
President Trump filed Federal Commercial Lien places guilt-burden on Deep State Transfer all cases to CA; Upon wins, request CAL19280
Problem GONE!
Riches beyond your WILDEST dreams?Famous? / INFAMOUS!
Joe Biden, et al iceberg tip:
CA victim, damages / suffering, … CAL 19280!
2004 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! Criminal CFTB BILLED!
1995 CA Law Extreme juvenile criminals adult tried
CPC 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest, per payment,
CPC 1202.040 0 RIGHTs until Paid-In-Full! 0 Parole Departure, …
CRIMINAL CONVICT, juvenile parents $ENSLAVED to victims, CFTB: Crime, gangs cool? K12?
CA gov A SchwartzeNeGGER 19280 law sign; CA AG Kamala Harris?; CA Sen D Feinstein 19280 work?
Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura, NO HELP Hmmm …
Ventura DA Insptr Chris Morkavic 3x THREAT, 4x Insptr 0 HELP,
Police THUGS: Port Hueneme Piggers (3 Jan, 16 Aug 2016 Attempted MURDER, Ag Mayhem, Helmet Cam FELONY TAMPERING, Accident report PERJURY;
Ventura Sheriff Attempted MURDER;
Ventura Court DA Investigation FAILURE;
CA State Auditor WhistleBlower Act 8547 FELONY HARRASSEMENT et al, CAL 19280 MYSTERY
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
@12:00 … they own the economy …. It’s TRUMP’s FAULT!!!!
@16:00 Inflation calculation …. You RACIST!!!!! … You are using math to show the truth!!!!
(Why do you think that they wanted people to be dumb??? Why were teachers forced to keep their classes stupid so that the mentality handicapped person in the room would not feel stupid and have their feelings hurt ?}…
I love your reports, listen everyday.