Ep 3148b – The Plan Is On Track, The People Get It, Super Bowl Looks Like A Puppy Show:Show Starts At 8:45pm EST
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The [DS] is in trouble, the American people are waking up and they see for the first time who the true enemy is. Trump appeared on Tucker and his views were over 230 million. The country is coming to his side, it made the Super Bowl look like a puppy show. As we go through 2024 the events will build just like in 2020, the difference this time is that the patriots are in control and this is part of the process of taking back the country. It was all planned around the 2024 election.
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- Bob Kudla – Is The Fed About To Make A Move That Will Destroy The Currency? Insanity →
So when did the Federal Government change the law that it is illegal for employers to hire individuals that are illegally in the USA??? Did they set a trap for Elon and he didn’t fall into it so they’re now charging him for not hiring them??
Trump filed Federal Commercial Lien places guilt-burden on Deep State>CAl19280
CAvictimDamagesSuffer CAL19280 https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/revenue-and-taxation-code/rtc-sect-19280.html
04 19280=CRIMINAlWORKvPrison VictimCFTbPAID
CPC1202.040 0RIGHTs’tilPaidInFull! Parole Departure
CA Judicial Corruption-19280FB
Tell ppl a story big enough over time, over and over they will believe it. The longest presidential campaign has a little more than a year to go. There is no plan , but to only let ppl vote Trump in. We will keep hearing stolen election, we have it all. Still no one indicted. Despite having it all.
Do you realize he first thing you said was the deep state was in utter control of the Patriots?
I don’t think “Biden” can “orchestrate” a bowl of breakfast cereal.
~1:08 – HILLARY (a good facial likeness) looks PREGNANT in photo shown. What a HOOT!
Photo of Bill looks authentic to me, but I do wonder about the date taken. Cheers.
I suppose further comment on them would be “ill-advised”.
Correction – Clinton photos (above comment) were @ 42:00 min. (I misread.)
57:10 It’s Dana BAsh, not Dana BUsh. Cheers.
I appreciate your hard work, clear information & logical interpretation of what the heck’s goin’ on.
google this too …. Joe Biden’s Brother Secured Iraq Housing Construction Contract With No Experience. wonder how much was skimmed off that one
The assassination of JFK is still an ongoing investigation as there is no statute of limitations on crimes of murder. Cold case reopened. The assassination of JFK was the overthrow of the USA government. We just never looked at it that way. Although many initially involved have since left this earth, there are still some crawling around.
I think the reason the documents have never been fully disclosed is because Q knows, and wanted it to be brought out at the best time for exposure, which I think is very soon.
Dave, at the beginning of episode released 8/24 you stated corrupt politicians and deep state are in full control of Patriots???
Last time i watch your report, Every time there’s big new you don’t report, what a joke.
In the past,
When more laws were followed –
Anyone found hiring illegals were fined.
Illegals were gathered up & thrown out of the country – RIGHT?
On Tucker
Trump said
I am the President of Everyone
Present tense?
Him and other Republicans need to start going to inner city black communities! If he doesn’t capitalize off the support from black America by not going to the hood, that would be such a huge mistake, huge.
no candidate, running against TRUMP, is worthy!
It is evident, it is all about them. Not even their party
matters…or the people, they represent! Americans are
tired of being ignored.
WE DO NOT WANT WARS (endless or otherwise)
WE DO NOT SUPPORT the deep state or criminal politicians…