Ep 3164b – It All Started With Obama, Precedents Set, No Deals, No Escape, Justice, Indictments
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Trump and the patriots are showing the people what a nation in decline looks like. The people are waking up, but more needs to be done, this is why Trump and the patriots need the [DS] to bring us to the brink of war. War, economic crisis, open borders, chaos in the streets will wake the rest of the population up. The infiltration began with Obama and it will finish with Obama. No deals, no escape, Indictments are coming.
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- ← Ep 3164a – The Economic Walls Are Closing In On Biden & The [CB], Game Over
- Ep 3165a – Fed Now In The Crosshairs, People Trust Trump To Fix The Economy, Right On Schedule →
“”””The infiltration began with Obama and it will finish with Obama. “””””
uhhhhh 9/11 ? 2 planes ,. 3 buildings ,…. #MuhMossad
X22 Report https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/revenue-and-taxation-code/rtc-sect-19280.html
Why is CAL19280 a secret? 19280 court order makes CFTB go after criminals, juvenile parents. If taught K-12, might that FIGHT CRIME?
Kamala Harris a former CA Attny Gen. Arnold SchwartzeNIGGER signed 2004 CA Rev & Tax Code 19280 into law!
President Trump filed Federal Commercial Lien places guilt-burden on Deep State Transfer all cases to CA; Upon wins, request CAL19280
Problem GONE!
X22 Report, Explain America
Riches beyond your WILDEST dreams?Famous? / INFAMOUS!
Joe Biden, et al iceberg tip:
CA victim, damages / suffering, … CAL 19280!
2004 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! Criminal CFTB BILLED!
1995 CA Law Extreme juvenile criminals adult tried
CPC 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest, per payment,
CPC 1202.040 0 RIGHTs until Paid-In-Full! 0 Parole Departure, …
CRIMINAL CONVICT, juvenile parents $ENSLAVED to victims, CFTB: Crime, gangs cool? K12?
ClassActLawsuitLicenseREVOCA CA gov A SchwartzeNeGGER 19280 law sign; CA AG Kamala Harris?; CA Sen D Feinstein 19280 work?
Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura,
NO HELP Hmmm …
Ventura DA Insptr Chris Morkavic 3x THREAT, 4x Insptr 0 HELP,
Police THUGS: Port Hueneme Piggers (3 Jan, 16 Aug 2016 Attempted MURDER, Ag Mayhem, Helmet Cam FELONY TAMPERING, Accident report PERJURY;
Ventura Sheriff Attempted MURDER;
Ventura Court DA Investigation FAILURE;
CA State Auditor WhisleBlower Act 8547 complaint filed:
W20130197 7-Mar-2013
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
Can you imagine your son resenting that he has to give you half his income when his ONLY JOB was to launder money for Joe. Hahaha
Thieves are so ungrateful.
I remember BHO’s first year they did so much illegal and unconstitutional stuff that it was impossible to unravel it. THEN he started writing Executive Orders when he decided legal was too tedious.
As a “Constitutional Lawyer” the only true part was CON.
Opening 20 seconds of awful “music” remains amateurishly over-loud, as usual.
Thought you’d have dealt with this by now. Why not seek some friendly professional advice?
Thanks for all your hard work & helpful new information! Helps keep some of us more sane.
Dave, love the reports! Listen every day.
You have started yelling at us again! We are with you….. Please don’t holler at me.
What about Colorado’s effort to keep Trump off ballot?
Thanks Rick B
It all started with Geo W Bush. Patriot Act.