Ep 3167b – Voters Are Worried About Election Cheating In 2024,People Will Accept What Needs To Be Done
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The [DS] are doing what the patriots want them to do. The people are now worried about cheating in the 2024 election. The people are going to see more proof they the [DS] rigged the 2020 election which means they will rig the 2024 election. Trump needs the country to see it so they accept what needs to be done in the end. First it will the election guarded by the military then it will the trials of the treasons corrupt criminals.
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I will refer you to Real Raw News about the Oct. 4, EMS broadcast. Is a Black Hat event
NO, David – Ballard IS problematic and, HIGHLY so; ‘ex’-CIA – and a CLEAR con artist for them…..
The military is divided, spread too thin, short of recruits, largely deployed and short of supplies and munitions. Now you think they will be secretly trained, distributed around thousands of voting locations, to run an entire election. Not to mention the hundreds of lawsuits that will be filed. Come on. This story has run out of gas.
Not doing Rumble anymore?
Trump posted WW3 ON TRUTH SOCIAL JAN 23
I am stunned to hear of the 60 Sq. Mile C OLONIA in Liberty County, TX. This is obviously known about by the governor, State Rep, & many more officials. This IS a TRAVESTY. ILLEGAL IF THERE ARE NOT TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS. These COLONIAS were popular along the border for years. Many had no sewage or drainage. IF MEXICO & CARTELS ARE IN CHARGE, WE ARE IN DANGER. Sounds like a Soros enterprise, too.
If you knew the law you would know your not a US citizen unless you live in the district of Columbia and these pos people in office are the slave owners of the US People and no one should be poor because we all have trusts that the banks are stealing from us. Everything we have been taught is false we all have been brain washed in they’re public schools
The worst form of the cheating, aside from all the various methods they used and that have been exposed, is the STOPPING of the counting! In my 74 years I have never seen that done. I knew something as wrong. They had to stop and fix the algorithm in the machines. They had not tweaked them enough. They underestimated the number of votes Trump would get. This happened in 2016, though they say Hillary won the popular vote, I do believe they did not tweak the machines enough and that is why they were so shocked that she did not win, aside from the electoral college. Another huge dead giveaway is Biden’s quote/bragging about their cheating. ??? It is mind blowing how so many factors are ignored. In WA state, we have been putting up with this since 1992. We have had a D gov & 2 D senators, the 3 most powerful positions from a state, ever since going over to all mail in ballots. Look up the Gregoire/Rossi debacle! 30 years of INSTALLED criminals! Everyone of them should be called LANCE ARMSTRONG!!! I wonder if people who bet on Lance had to give $ back to their friends.
Now, on another topic you won’t want to hear, but everytime you say HC, it is a LIE. You take the definition of what Holy means, then put it with the word crap. Describe what crap is. Is there anything holy about it? Which word should have its definition changed? Crap is pretty hare, it is what it is. When used together, you are distorting and abusing the word holy, unless you change its meaning. This is what the left does, they change the meaning of a word to make it fit their desired useage. I heard you use, “Holy Moly” that one time and it was great. Then you went back to the abusive form. If people make fun of you, have the kahoons to say, so what, set a new precedence, you do not have to conform to what other people think you should do or say. Words have meaning, lets not change them like the left does. Blame me, say a listener called you out on distorting the word and its definition, in how it was being used.
Houston settlement: it’s the cartel owning part of America and laundering money…..