Ep 3173a – People Are Now Turning On The [CBDC],Trump Will Reverse The Economic Downturn In 6 Months
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Countries are realizing that the green new deal is backfiring and the people are no longer going along with it. German FM admits that they are the model for the green new deal and the country is imploding on itself. The people are now pushing back on the [CBDC] and Trump says he can turn the economy around in 6 months.
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- Ep 3173b – The Pause Was Needed To Do Things That Traditionally Couldn’t Be Done, War Crimes →
i can’t believe this entire year for Trump and not even tried to help all the people in prison. Oh i am so concerned about this and what they are doing to all the prisioner. All you do is talk about them being there that is so bad and everybody feel bad about me to because i may go to the same place they are at
and you being the President playing a game about all this and your still sitting down every night and having a good dinner on the ground or in the air and those people getting beaten but ya that is good for them because they are doing this for me just like when i bought all the cards to make all that money but I found out if i want any payout i need to buy my I.D. CARDS FOR VOTING IN 24but you have taken all the money from me to where i can’t be taken for anymore money to get my pay out . I wonder what they would call this job MR. President . I hope you free these people very soon and you could if you would just think of them first and not yourself. Your still a good man but don’t let it go to your any longer. We all are awake and we don’t need your bull shit day in day out and end up you didn’t do shit for anyone . YOU ARE THE ONE HOLDING EVERTHING BACK FOR THERESTORED REPUBLIC THE MONEY AND EVEN THE MED BED WHICH MY MY WIFE HAS CANCER OF 4TH STAGE TO GET HEALED BUT SOMEONE IS HOLDING IT UP.. MY WIFE NEEDS THIS BAD BECAUSE SSHE WILL NOT TAKE ALL THIS JUNK THAT WILL END UP KILLING HER AND I THINK THIS IS ALL YOU AND I COULD USE IT MY SELF BUT I WILL PUSH TO GET HER THERE FRIST AND THIS IS ONE THING YOU COULD DO FOR ME IS TRY TO SAVE MY WIFES LIFE AND I WILL GIVE ALL THE CARDS CHECKS ALL THE THINGS I HAD TO BUY TO MAKE OVER 12 OR 13 MILLION FROM YOU FOR ALL THAT BUT THIS WOULD ALL BE YOURS IF YOU WOULD LET THIS HAPPEN NOW VBUT I KNOW YOU WILL NOT EVER HERE ABOUT THIS BECAUSE OF THE MAN THAT RUNS THE [ X22 ] SO I WILL LEAVE IT FOR HIM BUT I DON’T KNOW IF HE HAS THE PULL AND THIS WON’T GO ANY FURTHER SO IF YOU WON’T DO ANYTHING FOR HER PLEASE PRAY FOR HER. Donnie D . Vaughn
He will be a great President like he is right now but he needs to quit play patty cakes and go get the bastards. I would taken most of them out over a year a go . your just letting to much happen while you go to rally to see if everyone still likes him . Help him Lord.
What happens to solar panels in a hail storm??
What happens to solar panels in a hail storm.
Hi Dave, Love your show each and every day.
Just a heads up, Duck Duck go was blocking your video yesterday, audio was ok ??
Not sur what was going on, OK today.