Ep 3174a – [JB]/Fed Will Not Take The Blame For The Depression, People Buying Gold From Costco
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The [WEF] plan is dead, all the people see is the economy falling apart and they are now blaming the installed corrupt people and the [CB]. Down she goes. The people are now seeing what a depression looks like and the people are now buying gold from Costco. It has begun.
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Page 3 of 252
- ← Ep 3173b – The Pause Was Needed To Do Things That Traditionally Couldn’t Be Done, War Crimes
- Ep 3174b – We Are Close To The Precipice, Swamp Fighting Back, Ready To Finish What Was Started →
X22 Report https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/revenue-and-taxation-code/rtc-sect-19280.html
Why is CAL19280 a secret? 19280 court order makes CFTB go after criminals, juvenile parents. If taught K-12, might that FIGHT CRIME?
Kamala Harris a former CA Attny Gen. Arnold SchwartzeNIGGER signed 2004 CA Rev & Tax Code 19280 into law!
President Trump filed Federal Commercial Lien places guilt-burden on Deep State Transfer all cases to CA; Upon wins, request CAL19280
Problem GONE!
X22 Report, Explain America
Riches beyond your WILDEST dreams?Famous? / INFAMOUS!
Joe Biden, et al iceberg tip:
CA victim, damages / suffering, … CAL 19280!
2004 19280 = CRIMINALS WORK vs prison, Victim PAID! Criminal CFTB BILLED!
1995 CA Law Extreme juvenile criminals adult tried
CPC 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest, per payment,
CPC 1202.040 0 RIGHTs until Paid-In-Full! 0 Parole Departure, …
CRIMINAL CONVICT, juvenile parents $ENSLAVED to victims, CFTB: Crime, gangs cool? K12?
ClassActLawsuitLicenseREVOCA CA gov A SchwartzeNeGGER 19280 law sign; CA AG Kamala Harris?; CA Sen D Feinstein 19280 work?
Rep JIrwin, VP KHarris (Form AG, DA, Senator,) AVOIDS Ventura,
NO HELP Hmmm …
Ventura DA Insptr Chris Morkavic 3x THREAT, 4x Insptr 0 HELP,
Police THUGS: Port Hueneme Piggers (3 Jan, 16 Aug 2016 Attempted MURDER, Ag Mayhem, Helmet Cam FELONY TAMPERING, Accident report PERJURY;
Ventura Sheriff Attempted MURDER;
Ventura Court DA Investigation FAILURE;
CA State Auditor WhistleBlower Act 8547 complaint filed:
W20130197 7-Mar-2013
CA Judicial Corruption – 19280 (FB)
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