Ep 3182b – All Roads Lead To Obama, Muslim Brotherhood,Sleeper Cells, Countermeasures

15 thoughts on “Ep 3182b – All Roads Lead To Obama, Muslim Brotherhood,Sleeper Cells, Countermeasures

  • October 9, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    Hi Dave I am writing you because I have not received an email letting me know when my x22 hoodie
    is supposed to arrive I have not heard anything I ordered the hoodie sept 8 could you please let me know if the hoodie has been shipped I don’t know how to scan thingy all I want to know when I will receive THE HOODIE,

  • October 9, 2023 at 8:57 pm

    The people did njot want open boarders in 2016.
    That is an issue that Trump campaigned on. The people arent stupid enough to want open boarders.
    Even democrats.
    During obama we saw UPS 747s landing when airports were closed past midnight, unloading hundreds of muslims, then a bus would drive them away. This was happening many times. It was on youtube.
    UPS planes converted for passenger travel.

  • October 9, 2023 at 9:24 pm

    Pro Israel is Pro Terror.

  • October 9, 2023 at 10:26 pm

    Dave. I absolutely hate it when you go high pitched and loud like you do at 18 mins today. Am I the only one?

  • October 9, 2023 at 10:59 pm

    And when Israel is immersed in Gaza, Hezbollah will attack from the north with 130,000 rockets and missiles. But of course, Trump and the good guys will still be in total control, so just relax, eyes are being opened

  • October 9, 2023 at 11:13 pm

    I would like to recommend a very important book called “The Synagogue Of Satan,” by investigative
    journalist Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. Do you know who attacked the USS Liberty in 1967?

    The Bible says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

    In God we trust.

  • October 10, 2023 at 1:32 am

    I have noticed your issue with Rumble has escalated. They had stopped publishing your newest podcasts. As far as showing them in your menu of videos and also the wrather large numbers of trolls showing up.

    Now when I come here there is no access to rumble at all. Same goes for Bernie’s channel. Looks like they are going down the rabbit hole of censorship that boobtube has taken.

    Best of luck Dave! KUTGW

  • October 10, 2023 at 9:09 am

    Thank you Dave, for pulling all this info together (every day!) and giving us so much insight and hope of what’s happening and what’s to come. I’ve been a faithful listener since early 2020. The All roads lead to Obama is excellent.

  • October 10, 2023 at 11:43 am

    Hamas fucks need hunted down and ENDED…Arm up folks…..conceal and carry and be ready. They hate us and want us dead…nothing will ever change their minds….Evil never changes and should be smothered….fuck them end them

  • October 10, 2023 at 7:41 pm

    Not buying what you’re selling today. The Mossad is Hamas. The Deep State is Hamas. There is no way Hamas went into Israel without their allowing it. Disappointing to hear your propaganda spewing on this one. Netanyahu making his people to be a hundred percent death jabbed and now he is purposely allowing Hamas to wage war and kill Jews so that he can start a war and grab more of Gaza and make up for the loss in Ukraine. Been listening to you a long time but everyone in this country including Gateway Pundit is spewing the warmongering propaganda. You too. I’m all for the second ammendment but Hamas was purposely allowed to do this.

  • October 10, 2023 at 7:53 pm

    I’m sorry but this is Mossad against Mossad. Deep State versus Deep State. Sadly, the civilians suffer. Israel doesn’t care about it’s people and wants them dead just like US wants us dead. I guess you’re Jewish and brainwashed and have a blind spot here. Israel is Deep State. This is more deep state causing trouble. The terrorists all over the world are deep state funded. That’s who is always fomenting trouble.

  • October 10, 2023 at 7:59 pm

    Obama is a traitorous POS!!!

  • October 10, 2023 at 8:20 pm

    Didn’t have to be this way. pence is dirty. Been telling you for months that the biden/barry boy regime was training, feeding, housing, clothing & financing a 2 to 5 million man army of illegals to complete the overthrow of our government & take our guns. Moves & counter moves. No one but God Almighty knew & knows how this was(is) going to turn out. This idiotic notion of yours that”this was all planned from the beginning” is absolute madness. I enjoy your podcast. It’s very informative. Please – GET REAL” !!! Luke 22 vs 36 Its time to SELL your coat & BUY a weapon. God Bless & Be Safe !!!

    1. Trump will become Speaker of the house of representatives.
    2. biden will be removed as president.
    3. Supreme court will block harris from even acting as president.
    4. President Trump will take over & implement “the” plan to return government to “We the People”! ********Could get bloody if this is prolonged much longer*******
    (Israel is getting ready to cut the head off of the middle eastern snake !)

  • October 10, 2023 at 8:23 pm

    Been telling you for months that the biden/barry boy regime was training, feeding, housing, clothing & financing a 2 to 5 million man army of illegals to complete the overthrow of our government & take our guns. Moves & counter moves. No one but God Almighty knew & knows how this was(is) going to turn out. This idiotic notion of yours that”this was all planned from the beginning” is absolute madness. I enjoy your podcast. It’s very informative. Please – GET REAL” !!! Luke 22 vs 36 Its time to SELL your coat & BUY a weapon. God Bless & Be Safe !!!

    1. Trump will become Speaker of the house of representatives.
    2. biden will be removed as president.
    3. Supreme court will block harris from even acting as president.
    4. President Trump will take over & implement “the” plan to return government to “We the People”! ********Could get bloody if this is prolonged much longer*******
    (Israel is getting ready to cut the head off of the middle eastern snake !)

  • October 12, 2023 at 10:07 pm

    Why do you continue to support Israel who is an illegal occupier of Palestinian lands?

    They have stolen the vast majority of the Palestinian lands and when they fight back, people like you call them terrorists? these so-called Jews illegally stole these lands through the British and Rothschilds who are partners in crime–since then, the more Palestinians they kill, is the more land they steal–yet, the Zionists continue to play the victim when the Palestinians fight back–you call this justice?

    they are denying the Palestinians their right to a sovereign state, their livelihood, the freedom to move, free access to water, etc, yet, you continue to view Israel as a victim of the Palestinians. something is wrong when the oppressor is being viewed as a victim. its dam right sick–they have stolen the vast majority of the Palestinian lands and expect them to sit back and do nothing? what type of world are you living in?

    Either way, the Zionists are going to be sent back to the 1967 borders. you hear it all the tiem, tha travel is last, but it is obvious that you have no idea what this menas. it means that Israel, including the Rothschilds, is going to be the last to be taken down by the Earth Alliance

    They are not God’s chosen, never have, never will be –there are only one chosen race of people on this planet and they are the black race, and they will soon goign to witness this with theri own two eyes becasue we are the next leaders of this planet and thats exactly whats going to happen


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