Ep 3201b – The People Are About To Face The Final Battle, Strategic, Much Will Be Revealed
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The [DS] is now moving down the path the patriots want them to follow, this is not about a 4 year election, from the beginning the mission was to take back they country, all of this pre planned, the people needed to see the [DS] system, the people will need to reach the precipice of destruction so they find the will to change. The weapons are real, the terrorist, war are controlled. Patriots have it all, much will be revealed in the end.
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The organizations and entities running the invasion should have their assets frozen and that money should be used to pay for having all of the illegal entrants back home
But Dave… ” we caught them all… the best is yet to come ” . Over 3 years later and you’re telling the same ol story. FUQ TRUMP, FUQ THE PLAN. WE HAVE THE NUMBERS AND NEVER NEEDED TRUMP. TRUMP LIED TO KEEP US FROM TAKING THIS COUNTRY BACK!!!
Thanks Dave, I love listening to you and I will not comply!
Al Franken s
Al Franken started the v0te count delay in Minnesota… it took ,MONTHS and he “found” uncounted ballots.
I just wanted to let you know that the PCR isn’t a test for anything, let alone COVID. PCR stands for polymerace chain reaction which is not a test but a procedure. A PCR is used to replicate short, partial strands of DNA to get enough of the sample to be able to do a DNA test. If you have ever had a cold or flu, you will have remnants of the norovirus DNA which will give a positive test result for COVID if one should ever be developed. At this time there is no test for the Corona virus as it has never been DNA isolated therefore cannot, at this time, be specifically tested for.
You are so wrong, the sheep don’t see any of this! All they know is Trump has been indicted 91 times! NOTHING is done to show the world how treasonist these bastards are NOTHING. People like me and you KNOW all of this, the haters and sheep DONT! The military takes orders from the commander in chief…however, if the CIC is corrupt and treasonist, does the military sit on their hands?? Something must be exposed to the sheep and haters before the PEOPLE rally around Trump! Right now zzzzzzzzzzzz,zzzz.
Why is the Vaccine “not”: “the Shot Heard around the World ?
Soabox John
Bebe Netanyahu is part of the Deep State, this was an inside job. Do you really think that Israel, the most fortified country in the Middle East and one of the top in the world in technology, were bested by men in pickups and had 7 hours to kill thousands of Israelis? They were told to stand down, just like the officials in Lahaina were told to stand down while the island burned! The Deeps State knew that the Ukrainian excuse for money had dried up, so they simply moved to the next cash cow because they know America will stand with Israel, but the government of Israel is Deep State, including Bebe! Hamas was created by Israel and the CIA in the 70’s, just like ISIS was created by the CIA during the Obama residency! SO Israel lets Hamas attack them, stand down, and to the world it looks like they are the victim. When has Israel EVER needed help protecting themselves? NEVER!
After watching your show for the past two years, I truly think that Trump and some of the high up “Patriots” are part of the Deep State. If Trump and the Patriots are in control and Trump is still President, then they would be in violation of their oaths of office. In addition, anyone who has studied leadership, knows that Trump is not doing things that a true leader should be doing. Instead, he is following the left playbook and pointing fingers without doing anything. As the saying goes, “actions speak louder than words.” Biblically speaking, the world will not get better, but worse. I have a question … how many times is there a precipice?
i am not a fan of his views on the Israel/Palestinian issue–He is trying to make Israel look like a victim–He seem to forget that the issue here is about stolen land and illegal occupation. Natenyahu is the deep state and is doing their dirty work–Dude need to do his research-
there is a reason why the military and the Earth alliance continue to make it clear, that Israel is goign to eb last–Israel is controlled by the Rotschilds, so taking them down as the last dark entity is what this all means)
Israel will be taken down and they will be sent back to the1967 borders–they are illegal occupiers who terrorise the Palestinians and play victim when the Palestinins fight back-how can your occupier always plays victim and seek sympathy fromt he world, every tiem their victims fight back from their abuse? Does that make any sense whatsoever? you tell me
-the occupation is what has brought rise to Hamas and those who support Israel tend to ignore. how can you impose aparthied on a group of peope, steal their lands, occupy them, dictate to them, control their food, water and electricity and expect them to sit back and not fight back? are you mad