Ep 3204b – White House Stormed, Everyone Has A Choice, Against All Enemies Foreign & Domestic
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The [DS] is about to be exposed. The government of the US has been infiltrated and now they will have to make a decision. When the chaos begins and DC is being attacked the WH is being stormed those people in DC and other places will need to remember their oaths. There is only one more year and the people need to see this playout until the end so they can finally vote to take back this country.
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- ← Ep 3204a – The People Have Spoken, Bidenomics Has Failed, Economic Narrative Lost
- Ep 3205a – Trump Was Right About The Electric Cars, Economic Awakening Is Happening →
I support Trump, I will believe what he is saying when it happens. I feel strung out on promises.
Dave you have lost much credibility. Obumer was right. Are you unwilling to accept truth Israel took the land from the Palestinians and corralled them into Gaza. They control and terrorize them. What do you expect. I expected much better insight from you. Who created and funds Hamas ??? The Zionist Jews running Israel are not to be confused with the Jewish population.
You lying fck it is not and you know it it is a call for Palestine to be Palestinianbfrom the Jordan river to the red sea has nothing to do with their death does call for their removal !!!!!! Your disgusting !!!!
And your speaking lies Israel had not pulled their settlements out until the last three years preparing for this !
You can’t even say Kissimmee correctly !!!
I am a faithful listener of X-22, but I have to say you got the ISRAELI thingy all wrong! You need to do more research. Why? Because H was invented by the Zionist government of Israel. I am not on either side. I am on God’s side. This government is working in tandem with MI6, & CIA to start another World War. It’s already been proven that the dead babies was a lie, and also one of the most secure parts of the wall were left UNGUARDED – purposely to allow everything to happen. In addition, Israel has infiltrated Hamas with agents. They would have known long before anything erupted! It’s all b.s. and these Zionists used the same technique over and over. They cause an incident to infuriate, they take an action, and when people become suspicious, they cause another incident to infuriate. They don’t care anything about the Israeli people whatsoever. It’s all a lie….
I called one of Catholic Charities in a Texas border town in 2021. I spoke to a nun who is running a home for the illegals crossing the border, where Catholic Charities gives them cash, VISA debit cards and plane tickets to the city of their choice. This information was given to me, in video form, by a Florida woman who sadly passed away 4 months later. The video showed her interviewing a Haitian couple with 2 young children who received Catholic Charities aid to enter our Country illegally and were flying to Philadelphia. She asked them how they got through TSA if they’re here illegally? The Haitian woman told her that along with their plane tickets, they were given “documents” to show to TSA and the airlines. She said no one questioned these documents and when the interview is finished, my friend videoed these illegals handing their documents to the airlines security agents, who subsequently took them to pre-board the plane before anyone else was allowed to board. This is PROOF the TSA and the airlines(Delta Airlines in this case) are knowingly trafficking illegal aliens all over the Country. I wouldn’t have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes. This INVASION we’re watching isn’t just our corrupt federal government ignoring our laws, it’s major US corporations also. The corporations will never be investigated or prosecuted because the communist federal government is protecting them. Look up the word FASCISM. What’s happening in our Country is compromised CEO’s working hand-in-hand with the corrupt, compromised federal government. Who’s compromising these CEO’s? BlackRock owns more than 70% of the world’s major corporations. Jeffery Epstein was an FBI/Mossad asset who sexually compromised these CEO’s at his private island, New Mexico ranch and Manhattan townhome. These CEO’s weren’t just having sex with underage girls. They were having sexual relations and other illegal acts with very young children and infants. Does it make sense to you now why these corporations(Anheiser Busch, Target, Victoria Secret etc) are pushing the woke transgender narrative? This is much larger than just a bunch of corrupt, communists in our State and Federal governments. This is FACISM IN ACTION. This is “1984” playing out live right in front of our eyes. If an old retired woman with limited technical knowledge, can discover what our governments and corporations are doing, how much more can young computer wizards with unlimited access learn about these criminals?
Just a quick remark on the next big pandemic Disease X, Quercetin/Bromelain also kills ALL viruses. How do I know this? I found it was tested for AIDS way back when by the FDA and it cured AIDS 100% and cancer also. So, knowing that VIRUSES are the base for most bio-weapon diseases, I started advising people back in 2021 to take this at 1000 mg daily to start and increase to 2000 mg if they started feeling a bit sheepish. Then back to 1000 mg daily. Also took D3 and Zinc as a base combo. I literally save my neighbors life with this protocol when we were an aerosol bomb was dropped by drones here in 2021. Many people follow this protocol and after I kept telling people on Twitter 2021 (quit in June of 2021 as I could see how the DS was tracking me) as well as many other websites. Then everyone got on board with this protocol (natural methods from many people around the world started advising this). I take this religiously and so do thousands of others. This is available with Swansonvitamins.com and they actually got behind over 6000 bottles in 1 week after my posts. That is why I was targeted 3 times in 2021. It was noticed by those that don’t want it to be known.
BE safe and Blessings to you!