Ep 3241b – The Real Insurrectionist Are Now Being Exposed, Nobody Is Above The Law
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The [DS] is so desperate that they are now expose themselves as the real insurrectionist. The [DS] does not care about optics and the patriots knew they would follow this path, from everything they did in the past to the present will be used against them. As they attack Trump the continue to chant nobody is above the law, this will be used against them in the end, there is no escape, no deals.
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Dave…Thank you for the work you do. You are a true patriot, and the best digital warior for the people. I use the X22 report to help educate and wake up the folks. The news and infomation has a proven track record for truth and accuracy. You and other similar digital warriors are leading the way back to a trusted form of journalism and reporting free from the propaganda ministry and slave masters. GOD BLESS YOU!
You know, it’s funny, now. Three years ago I would speak with friends or family and point out that covid was a hoax to control the election; the election was wrought with fraud as usual but now with gross and “obvious” tactics; HCQ/Ivermectin/Fenbendazol all have healing effects being suppressed by big pharma controlling medicine; obama was not born in the U.S. and the health director who forged his BC was murdered very soon after releasing it; obama remains gay and his partner(in crime), Mike, is a tranny; their kids are borrowed from staff members; President Trump signed the Insurrection Act and remains CIC of our military working with other strong militaries; NESARA was coming; Putin is good for his people and country; and a few things more. Friends and even family would laugh, scoff, and declare me an idiot or conspiracy nut. Since then, I now point out how all these “conspiracies” are real and directed against us citizens. They don’t laugh, scoff, or declare anything, now. They either acknowledge I may be correct or make no comment at all. In any matter, they know they were wrong by being lied to by MSM or simply failed to do their research. People are learning!!
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90%? Get a brain
Please spell check your posts. Embarrassing to come across your errors. I’ve written you at X22report about this twice before.
The [DS] is so desperate that they are now expose themselves as the real insurrectionist. The [DS] does not care about optics and the patriots knew they would follow this path, from everything they did in the past to the present will be used against them. As they attack Trump the continue to chant nobody is above the law, this will be used against them in the end, there is no escape, no deals.
And the blend will also bring back suppression of females rights since the countries where many 30 year old males are derived from limit the females rights in numerous ways . Wonder if in states where if registered as a Dem if on Dem ballot if they could write in Trump
With Colorado not allowing Mr Trump on the ballot, other state AGs are not even having a trail, they are just say he can not be on, the ballot in their states! Not being found guilty of anything in any state not even proving that there was an insurection on J6! How ever all the politicians who were there o J6 should be charged for being party to the going ons of J6, Nancy Pelosi could have stopped anything just by calling the national guard that Mr Trump put on call! I have never seen an insurection where there were tour guides( the capital police ) directing people where to go, holding the doors open for people to come in! There was no insurection on J6! There were demostrations in many cities that the mayors said were peaceful, but having fire bombs, burning police cars, breaking into businesses, looting businesses, injuring many people even killing people! I do not see peaceful demostrations! But people walkingthru the capital building that they were let in , they call an insurection!
I thought there was a line that says other on it for a candidate that wasn’t put on the ballot, you could write their name on the line and that counts as your vote. I’m not sure am my experiencing the Mandela effect.
Thanks again Dave for all your time we appreciate it.
Jeepers Dave sometimes it’s scary how much ignorance you reveal, the comment from Bill Melugin, where he said “its not a mick drop” do you know what a “mic” is, in this case it’s an abbreviation for “MICROPHONE” drop, as in hold your arm straight out and drop it, after your winning statement, as you signify you have just won the debate or argument.