Ep 3246a – It Is Becoming Clearer Each Day Why The [CB] Fears Alternative Currencies
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Spain is now following Germany, they are pushing the green new scam. The people will soon realize that this does not benefit them. Canada housing market is falling apart. People are seeing shrinkflation. The [CB] is panicking over alternative currencies.
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Dave I didn’t know this comment section was here! I’ve been a big fan and a Facebook follower for two years or so and I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your show. I feel more informed and you confirm a lot of information that I have discovered independently as well. I have a link to your show on my website americannation.net on the sidebar. I post your graphics regularly as well on gab.com and TruthSocial and even Facebook. Keep up the good work buddy. Know that you are encouraging many MAGA Patriots like myself, all prayed up, armed up, suited up and prepared. God bless you, Dave. 🇺🇸