Ep 3253b – [DS] Prepping Narrative To Cancel Elections, [MO] In Focus, Optics Are Important
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[MO] is now in focus, most likely she will be featured in many new articles building her up so she can make her entrance. The [DS] is now prepping the field to try to cancel the elections. Their cheating system is in place, but they will soon find out they have lost the majority of the country, once they confirm this they will then move to phase II of the plan, cancel the elections. Optics are important, Trump and the patriots are bringing the [DS] down this path to have secure elections.
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God has won.
Hi Dave,
Ordered several items over the holiday…one in particular, was a sweatshirt. I inquired via email to confirm if sizes were men or women…did not get response. However, when actually ordering, I saw the order for the ss was small, so I alerted team that if men’s size, I would need a medium.
Well, I received the medium…it does not fit…so sizing is off or it’s women’s sized, in which case I would need a large.
Sent several emails, asking how to handle, return, get right size and no one ever got back to me.
Hope you can help.
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Illegals can be removed re;Operation Wetback by Eisenhower Administration after WW2
What’s wrong with people, always praising democracy, and don’t know what it is. The framers hated the idea of democracy, nor did they want a two party system, which is obvious today as to why. Watch this video if you can, because if x-22 is like other popular shows, this will be taken down as soon as they see, these people are hiding it. Wake up. https://www.tiktok.com/@super.surreal/video/7308855413066222879