Ep 3258b – [DS] Prepares Their Second Coup Against Trump & The People, Right On Schedule, Game On
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The [DS] is preparing the 2nd coup, they know the have lost the people and there is no way to get them back. So they are setting the stage to have riots, cyber attacks etc to stop the election from happening. The patriots know the playbook, Trump needs the [DS] to do what they do best, create events. Why interfere with an enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves. These events will be used against them.
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Never ever forget how much Israel was involved in all this
Dave if you want the truth about the Navy Seals, go to the realrawnews.com website and you will learn the truth that comes from US military information. The Navy Seals team of three were given false information about Iran taking over the ship. It was the fake biden supporting military who lied and set the Trump supporting military and tried to kill the three Navy Seals. One was killed, one was injured but lived and one is MIA.
Most of the people will not register their weapons in Ill and most of the Sherriffs will not comply in the confiscation. Don’t register and Ignore the Totalitarian Governor of Ill. Pritzger.
So its alright if the democrats have a coop as many Democrats suggest but an insurection is a threat to domcracy which we do not have ,we have a republic!
So now if the democrats(DS) has riots and cyberattacks many could be hurt and killed!
I heard you talking about riots. During the riots that happened a few years ago before the last election, if you searched for “Antifa.com” what showed up was “Joe Biden for President” !!!!!!! We know who was behind the riots everywhere!!! Once he got elected the riots stopped. Hmmm!