Ep 3261b – We Are In The Middle Of War, The Tone Is Being Set To Let The [DS] Know We’re Coming
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We are in the middle of a war, this is an information war that the [DS] wants to bring into a physical war, which would be WWIII. Trump is letting the people know that we must set the tone to let the [DS] know we’re coming for justice. The direction is clear, the people must rise up and vote the tyrannical fake government out of DC. The storm is coming.
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How stupid do you think we the people are??? Would u please end this movie??? If u have it all then give us justice and our country back…please…
Shame on us for letting this keep going. This can and should have been done years ago and this idea that we must learn, and fight back is a SICK JOKE. we already known and have tried to stop this but OUR own people, Military just looked the other way for generations. And now we must again vote-? WOW after the Nov. vote will go on in courts for years, AGAIN…..THE SHAME OF MEN DOING NOTHING AGAIN.
When the fuck are we going to develop the balls to Ditch the Mitch! This guy is as bad maybe worse than Brandon! READ Redhanded by Peter Schweizer!
Why? It’s my constitutional right under the first amendment to the RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH! PROBLEM?
“We the People” had better get organized & ready to TAKE our country back. They are NOT going to turn our government over without a physical fight. It’s going to get BLOODY !
“We the People” are NOT organized & unless we get organized, we will NOT be going after anyone. You claim This is & has been an information war. Stick it where the sun don’t shine ! The last decade has been – the deep state showing everyone that they are in control & there is NOTHING anyone can do about it. The Nov. election cycle means NOTHING to them. Our constitution means NOTHING to them. Law & order means NOTHING to them. Our border means NOTHING to them. WAKE UP !!! They will have a 3-5 million manned army – armed & ready to complete their takeover of the United States in November.
Go to your County Sheriff & volunteer to be constitutionally deputized to protect your communities from terrorist both foreign & domestic. A well armed/trained country wide county militia is the only way we can legally organize & be ready. STOP – with the information war BULLSHIT !!! It’s going to get BLOODY !!!
You really butcher some words Dave, its pronounced No-gal-less, you seem to have problems with way too many words that most people know, that really makes me wonder how much of your info is really accurate when I hear the struggling with easy words way too often?
To say that her LOG CABIN STRIPES are like Epstein’s temple is like saying the pin stripe down the side of my truck makes it like her fckng log cabin ! Your a fckng disgusting LIER !!!!!!!
Lately, some of the new episodes are not loading regardless of Browser.
This one happened to be Duck Duck Go, whicj has always worked til sometime during the last week.
I have to go to Rumble to get them to load & be able to watch.
Can this be fixed?
Thank you!
Why is this website looking different and hard to use. I can’t find Spotlight Interview and nothing looks right.