Ep 3270b – Taylor Swift Is The Distraction, Do You See What Is Coming Into Focus, Timing Is Everything
Field Of Greens
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The [DS] is now making their move, they have now introduced Taylor Swift into the mix, hoping that the young generation will vote for Biden. This will fail, Trump has the ultimate weapon, reality. Those who are working and are struggling will see that TS is out of touch. As we approach war and the economy breaks down the people will no longer respond to celebrities. This push will fail which will then introduce the change of batter. Everything will come into focus.
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Do the Democrats actually believe that people will flock to Joe Biden’s campaign simply because Taylor Swift is endorsing him?!?! That’s funny!!!
We here you. The screaming is not needed.
No one listens to the celebrities anymore, they have no credibility. Hollywood is dead. The right feeling is that you pay your money the celebrity should shut up and sing or act. I don’t need to hear their opinion. I’m a retired Army Combat Officer and I will be out on the front line if we are attacked and I’m 72 and I can still fight for my country. You better give us better than Taylor Swift.
It has taken many years far the public to come around to the truth about biden. There is not enough time for the public to to digest the oboogmont situation before the election. It would be a bad tactic for Trump to count on the oboogmontis being exposed. It will take years for that to come to fruition even if it happens at all. His focus should be on winning the election, and staying out of prisin,
Why does Trump get 100 times more people to endorse him, the best rock bands, Snoop Dog, other rappers, in the USA, easy to blow Swifty Swift away, UFC, non woke sports, actors, Stallone, Mel Gibson………..
I believe in God our Father,
God the Son who is our Lord and Saviour, and the Holy Ghost, who brings God’s will to us.
I believe in good.
I don’t agree with bad and evil.
I believe in heaven. Learn about it.
I believe in hell, learn about it.
Let me know about what you have learned about heaven and hell.
Hint: You don’t want to go to hell!!
I don’t know how your going to take this but the people are tired of Angel Saxons, Caucasians or white people, however you want to describe yourself, they are the biggest terrorist in all the world and we see you and are tired! So all this that your saying is for white people and white people only! Everyone else is looking elsewhere for the proper leadership that’s needed and it appears to be Dr. West the only realist running on facts! Isn’t this what you’re talking about truth and facts!
I don’t know how your going to take this but the people are tired of Angel Saxons, Caucasians or white people, however you want to describe yourself, they are the biggest terrorist in all the world and we see you and are tired! So all this that your saying is for white people and white people only! Everyone else is looking elsewhere for the proper leadership that’s needed and it appears to be Dr. West the only realist running on facts! Isn’t this what you’re talking about truth and facts! The stuff you’re saying is the samethings I’m saying but I can’t repeat a comment but you can repeat and repeat, it should be a little more competitive as far as opinion!
In my opinion!
I have no idea what’s going on with your website, but I haven’t been able to listen to a full episode since you changed formats. A lot of people count on you for not just the real news, but your analysis and opinions. Get it together will you please.
Taylor Swift needs to be one of the first people drafted and sent to the front line. All her money won’t protect her there. Let her have a first hand view of what she is supporting.
Nice one dave at minute 25 – spot on. 100% truth and energy from you
Congressional Medal of Honour is on its way to you !!!
I posted this on gab but thought you might find it interesting. The verdicts on the Trump election trials are being dragged on and I think they will keep dragging until just before the RNC convention. One or more will convict Trump and the RNC will then kick Trump out and substitute haley.
And thanks for all you and your staff do to keep many of us from going crazy with the current state of the union.
Check this out. Deep Dive into the Chief’s owner https://www.tiktok.com/@chaotic603/video/7323338131552341278?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7305887736844928555
My opinion is that the Toilet Pedo Biden will not leave office at all, which gives Pres Trump an automatic win. No 25th amendment, impeachment, or bad ratings will get the Toilet Biden to leave office. And I don’t think Michael/Michelle Obama will actually run. If the DemoRats are stupid enough to take Toilet Biden out… and put Michael/Michelle in… then this will really give Pres Trump an advantage. It will give Pres Trump more material than he can actually use to put down Michael/Michelle who is a tranny and no doubt he/she is not a woman.. I also believe that Michael/Michelle knows not to run… unless he/she wants to be humiliated by Pres Trump and the Truth Media. God Bless Pres Trump and God Bless America!
There is an FEC filing to draft Big Mike about the time of the dem’s national convention. I saw it.