Ep 3275b – The Border Bill Is The [DS] Election Cheating Bill & It’s DOA, Sleepers Inserted, Future Marker

5 thoughts on “Ep 3275b – The Border Bill Is The [DS] Election Cheating Bill & It’s DOA, Sleepers Inserted, Future Marker

  • February 6, 2024 at 12:14 am

    What happened to “My Pillow” ??? It is in the supreme courts interest to rule for “We the People”. Right now, there are 5 traitors on the supreme court.
    What happens if this or what happens if that, what happens if the tooth fairy is real ? don’t be stupid !
    Moves & counter moves – No one but God Almighty knew everything from the beginning. Wray is dirty. pence is dirty. Christian democrats(black, brown, white) will NOT vote for a transgender black woman – won’t happen !!! BUT the democrat deep state uniparty are STUPID; Sooooo, bring on big mike, they’re commiting political suicide. Thank You LORD !!!

  • February 6, 2024 at 11:06 am

    Bro, You admit Bidet is not the real POTUS. Why not admit he is an actor working in concert with White Hats to piss people off at the left and their agenda and Redpill people?

  • February 6, 2024 at 1:09 pm

    How come you haven’t advertised My pillow??????

  • February 6, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    Why are the House Republicans so divided ?
    The Democrats almost always vote in unity.

    Today the Republican Party is Split between:
    The MAGA Republicans” and “the Swamp Republicans”:

    MAGA Republicans are generally Trump supporters:
    * who want an America First Agenda,
    * They want to fight against corruption and the Deep State.

    Swamp Republicans are Rhino’s or corrupt Republicans.
    * Rhino’s (and the corrupt) are part of the DC Swamp who collude with the Democrats – to preserve their positions in the Swamp.
    * Most Rhino’s (and Corrupted Republicans) are manipulated by the Deep State.

    There are many reasons and causes of this trend, However:
    “We the People” share in the Blame, for this lack of Unity and purpose.
    * The People “have the Power”, but We have forgotten the need to protect and sustain this power.
    * We have let down our guard and have become apathetic and lax, in our duty to protect our Rights and Freedoms.

    The House of Representatives is “The People’s House !”
    The representatives are put there “By the People”” to uphold and protect their rights and Freedoms – as the Constitution dictates.

    The Republican Party must Unite Together” to defeat the Deep State and save the Country and our Freedoms.
    To do that we must: “DRAIN THE SWAMP” !

    John C
    Proud Conservative American


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