Ep 3284b – Message Sent & Received, Witness Tampering, Information Waterfall

4 thoughts on “Ep 3284b – Message Sent & Received, Witness Tampering, Information Waterfall

  • February 16, 2024 at 7:24 pm

    The whistleblower’s name is Bob u Lin ski , not babbaloonski

  • February 16, 2024 at 7:39 pm

    Lets be honest here, where does a Congressman, Mike Turner come to make us afraid with Russian space weapons so we should pay Ukraine? He is a RINO and he needs to be removed. No one listens to the fake news and no one believes anything we are being told by our own government. I told a congressman he better learn to use those assault rifles he hates because I have already fought in 3 wars and he better be over there fighting before me. I will fight for our own borders and that is where my old self will be when I’m needed, not in some foreign hell hole that means nothing to us.

  • February 16, 2024 at 8:24 pm

    Why is the world in chaos?
    What is the Truth?

    Why has the Mainstream Media continued to lie to us?
    Why was the Vax Jab (an experimental Drug) mandated and promoted?
    Why did the WHO and the CDC etc etc etc promote the Vax Jab?
    Why did they force our Military to take it?
    A Flu Virus with a 99.98 % recovery rate is called a Pandemic????
    Over a Billion People have been injected around the World. Their lives have been shortened.
    How did they pull off this Hoax ! – The MainStream Media was a main part of this.
    Look up “Operation Mockingbird”. The CIA implemented this and it has been in place for many Years.
    Wait till you see the real Election results from 2020 and how they cheated.
    Wait till you find out what the “Jan 6 Insurrection” was really about.
    Wait till you find it all out !
    They planned to Depopulate the World.
    Bill Gates identifies himself as a Eugenicist – what does that mean?
    Who is the WEF. Why do they say “You will own nothing and you will be Happy?
    Who is George Soros?
    Why did Obama pick the name “Renegade” as his Secret Service Code Name?
    Is Obama’s Birth Certificate actually a fraudulent Document?
    Is his wife a Transgender Male?
    Why doesn’t the Mainstream Media tell us the truthful answers to these questions, and more? I remember that Years ago they investigated these things and reported the truths to the People. – ?
    Is TDS a real Psychological Malady caused by Media propaganda?

    One last thought: “Once You learn the Truth the Deep State can never regain your Trust again”.
    John C
    Proud Conservative American

  • February 16, 2024 at 9:16 pm

    Have you interviewed, Garrett Ziegler, of MarcoPoloUSA.org?
    It would be great! His dossier, trusting, you have reviewed it, is detailed to perfection!
    It’s primetime, to share his knowledge.


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