Ep 3292b – Pelosi Opens Call Position In Cyber Security Firm, This Is The [DS] Last Stand
Field Of Greens
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The [DS] is now prepared to remove Biden. Trump is going to become the nominee and all the indictments and fines will fail in the end. The people do not see a viable candidate to take Biden’s place not even [MO]. The [DS] will have trouble cheating this time around. Most likely they will try to postpone th election. The narrative is already being built, the Houthis cut a communication cable, we had a cell outage and now [NP] opens call position in a cyber security firm. Cyber attack incoming?
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Yo Dave! How goes it?
Re 05:00
How is it that the “hooties” are cutting under sea cables ?? When they attack oil tankers in speed boats?? Tell me how this is possible??? I think you are misinformed as is the rest of the free world,,,
I can’t listen to another ” I do believe ” Don’t you edit these reports !
I don’t think you know the gravity of this situation ! Most of us blacks yea we are woke yea we want Trump back but if Trump doesn’t talk about the black situation in detail he’ll never get the black a brown vote !
I listen to this for years since Obama was in the White House maybe before not sure !
You keep on talking rule of law a why not you keep talking two tier justice an we the blacks a browns have experienced this for years ! You don’t address that ! You keep talking about Floyd a the kids that got killed by cops but you never talk about the corruption in the police force ! The shear racism in the police force ! The installation Al racism in our justice system you do not address ! If you think that we the blacks a browns are going for the scam again an again then you fooling yourself ! You seem racist talking too about stuff a you do need to check yourselves on it ! You never had the black experience in no way the two tier justice system economic system and geopolitical system that in place ! You talk Bitcoin but never talk about all the other coins that go with it ! You don’t talk about the real coins that will run the system of the future! I really don’t think you have a clue !
I brought Chinese food last night I notice one thing will two ! I noticed that there women are gone the one second I noticed that none spoke English! I suspect that they got rid of the women they left the military aged men an they are very prepared I also suspect that they have been in this country for a long time many years setting up what’s going to happen ! We the people a your military is not prepared for what’s going to happen soon ! I will sit back a watch from a far ! It’s not my fight We are former slaves I’m a direct descendants of Tomis Jefferson who was a slave holder an a great grand parent ! So I will sit this one out !
You think this is a joke but it’s not you think you got this covered but you don’t you think your military is in control no they don’t ! They people on the ground will feel the full brute of destruction white a black alike ! The rich will just leave a watch it on the news the poor a middle Americans like me will be hurt in the process ! I think he’s going to let this happen a they will get there population control they will purge us ! I think chaos will be all over the world ! While the rich watch from afar !
I will see you when the smoke clears ! A when the smoke does clear there will be another war it has been prophesies ! Israelis a criminals racism is deeply ingrained in your souls !
If you Winn maybe good if you loose maybe not good ! This country has stolen from the world this country has no place in this world this is not your country or world I think you are the illegal immigrates the stolen enslaved a killed ! I think Trump knows this an I think he’s might do something about this ! But I think he’s also a billionaire a why should he care if he takes total power ! Why should he ? Africa is being murdered you think you own that you killed the Indians you enslaved the blacks a browns you treated the Chinese as slave to the west has a lot to answer !
I think you have not realized what was done over the years !
We hate you’ll for what you have done to us all over the world !
The Chinese never had black slave the Russians never had black slaves ! They would kill us from knowing how to read now they kill is just to be killing us or put us in jail for little or no reasons !
Scarface was a movie that you celebrated the immigrants coming a selling drugs we remember that a the crack epidemic that ensued after ! The door epidemic a now the fentanyl epidemic n Trank epidemic ! You don’t address none of this !
You’re for genocide on blacks browns a Palestine ! I’ve waited to say stuff a now please tell me why ! I’m leaving to make Africa great again keep what you have stolen what left of it anyway !
Yes, pattern developing, big money shakers are moving funds out. Nancy – surrogate Nancy – is doing & saying whatever. Can’t help but wish it would go faster, but understand it takes what it takes. Amen. G’nite. & Happy leap year.