Ep 3294b – [DS] Election Rigging Comes Into Focus, Panic, March Madness, Patriots Have The Conn
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The [DS] chances winning the Presidential election is getting worse and worse. The only way they can win is to cheat like they did in 2020. They are finding this difficult to do, but their plan is coming into focus. We are now approaching March madness, buckle up, it’s going to get scary. Patriots have the conn. Trump is beating Biden in every swing state, change of batter is coming, and when all else fails the [DS] will postpone the election.
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Cuba did the same thing 44 years ago. Castro emptied his prisons for Florida. The local cubans raised cain over it as they recognized many of those people as criminals and psychopaths. Remember Carter’s Mariel Boatlift? Crime in south Florida rose and I had to leave to find a job because of Carter’s affirmative action program for hiring minorities first.
Judy Synder for CA Judge explain THIS:
COMMIEcrats create CRIMINALS, who create crime VICTIMS, who WERE FEAR LIVING Law ABIDING citizens!
CAL 19280 CAN $$ STRIP criminals, & BILL the convicts CFTB COLLECTION NUISANCE, 20 YEARS ago! Gov ASchwarteNIGGER, CA AG KHarris; CA Sen: Christine Bish, DFeinstein’s 19280, AShit?
Were 19280, basic interlocking CA Penal Codes taught K – 12 who’d become a criminal?
Who’d join a gang? Or liable parent allow … ? COMMIEcrats create CRIMINALS …
Were 19280 common knowledge, what might OTHER US states do? Other nations?
+2000 CA electect, judicial, contributors, CPC 205 CONSPIRATORS 19280 LIABLE?
PS .. 1% THINK they control everything: PedCOMMIESObama, Soros, Wuhan Lab Bill Gates;
10% .. PUPPETS: Sleepy COMMIES: Joe, Clintons, … ;
85% .. ZOMBIES: COMMIEcrats, Covid BIOWEAPON recipients (RIP,);
++ 4% .. 1 Cor 15:52, 1-4
Anti-Communist Manifesto, Jesse Kelly
X22Report predicted a year ago; PedoMike Obama COMMIEcrat president.
What happened to the presumption of innocence in this country. Just because these illegal aliens have been charged with rape doesn’t mean they did. Surely you know about the MeToo movement and about how Trump was falsely found guilty of rape and has been charged with 91 felonies. How are we going to get justice in courts if half the jurors, the Republicans, have been trained to believe that every time someone has been charged then they must be guilty because no one would ever lie about something like that. Oh really? It has been estimated by experts that anywhere from 10-90% percent of these charges in the MeToo era were completely false and unjust yet we are now becoming apart of that part of the country that denies people their due process.
The Republicans are not messaging well on abortion.