Ep 3299b – [DS] Panics Over Super Tuesday,Attacks Will Intensify,Game Is Over When The Public Knows
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The [DS] is panicking, Trump owned Super Tuesday, the [DS] was hoping to stop Trump before he became the nominee, now they will increase the attacks. As the people learn more and the people wake up the [DS] is having a very difficult time controlling the narrative and how people vote. As the economy crashes and the US is on the verge of war the people will know and once the public knows it is game over. Nothing can stop this, nothing.
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Take 10 people with you when you vote for President Trump in November.
What will happen to illegal immigrants that attack Americans????? Let me tell you , they’re going to get shot.
Hi Dave thanks again for everything you do. I hope you won’t mind a little constructive criticism? But when I hear you say that Trump is working with Putin and she to take down the deep state I don’t believe that’s actually the truth. I feel it’s more that each country has their own steak in this matter and it just happens that they’re battling the same enemy. 1 0 7 made sure to drive this point home in a video with phyc club or Tom numbers just recently. In fact he explains a lot about the world situation and why things are happening. And it appears that most all of this is over who’s going to be selling the energy to who in the coming 50 to 100 years. In fact he really opened my eyes about Watergate as I was very young when that happened and I’m now just starting to understand. Once again I love everything you do thanks for putting all the time and energy into it you are a true patriot.
Hi Dave; quick question…what ever happened to the middle eastern illegal who crossed the border and said “ you’re too stupid to know who I am, but soon you will know who I am? Also, what’s the deal with Mitch’s sister-in-laws investigation of her death.