Ep 3304b – The World Is Not Getting Worse Or Darker,The Veil Sheltering You From Reality Is Lifting
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The [DS] is being exposed, the people see the two tiered justice system. The [DS] is trying to regain power in the House by removing RINOs one at a time. The patriots were put into place to block the [DS]. What people are witnessing is not the world getting darker and worse. What the world is witnessing is what was always there. The veil is being lifted so the people can see the dark underworld that has been running the country. The more the people know, the more they will fight to take back this country.
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I enjoy your show but I do wish you could stop screaming like a banshee, like a fire and brimstone bible thumping pastor without talking in a monotone which I guess you are afraid of. There’s a middle path. Otherwise it’s mostly very helpful. Thanks
Dave, Biden is going to have an illness all right……….it is going to kill him ! He knows entirely too much about EVERYTHING !
I know I said this before, but this issue is becoming more and more important to the story. The term military intelligence needs to be better defined. The term military intelligence needs to be associated with some kind of organizational foundation. Yes there are military only military intelligence organizations but they generally do not have the ability to do the things you say they are doing. The greater part of military intelligence is performed the military intelligence agencies, including DIA NSA NGA and the space and missile intelligence orgs. Each one is headed by a real general, in many cases 4 star generals. Most of military intelligence backbone resources are found in thes organizations. The intelligence community has military agencies and civilian agencies. CIA FBI are not like NSA and NGA. As a military intelligence analyst I was dis invited to work with the CIA because as a NSA analyst I questioned the legality of CIA programs. I know you need to tell the county that NSA is not military intelligence because they do not understand. But in the end you will find out that military intelligence includes NSA etc.
What people are witnessing is not the world getting darker and worse?
2 Tim 3: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.