Ep 3334b – [DS] Warns Cyber Attacks Will Wreak Havoc On Our Infrastructure, Trump Card Coming Soon
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The [DS] is now projected what they are about to do. They have been bringing in illegals, many are military aged men. FBI is now warning that China is going to cyber attack or they have malware embedded in certain system and it will wreak havoc on the US infrastructure. The election system is part of the US infrastructure and if it is hit they will make the case to postpone the elections. Trump is already telling the [DS] that he will have 100000 poll watchers and lawyers watching the elections. [DS] trapped, Trump card coming soon.
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I just don’t understand how you continuously insult people intelligence, but thinking they’re not awake. You did not awake after all these years until Joe Biden. Then what do you think more we need to see to know
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PsyOps are lovely
All this concern about cyberattacks.
Ya wanna prevent them? Then GET THE INFRASTRUCTURE OFF THE WEB!!!
There is no reason to have ANY kind of remote access to anything that this country usesto keep running.
Trans sporting competitions…dah
We see the same old BS talking points….It will never change until we LOCK UP THE TRAITORS.
Then we can have the votes……Until then, it’s just reruns with wishful thinking.
What will happen if DS cancel the election, because of cyber attacks,? What will be done if DA get illegals to riot what will be done to counter it? If many of things that we have been told may happen what will we do to counter it?
I know i hear yous saying the DS wont make it, it will fail, so if it fails it must mean that there will be counter measures to deal with what the DS is planning! God Bless!