Ep 3352b – [DS] Panics Over Wildwood Rally, Blue To Red, Sum Of All Fears, This Is The Final Battle

5 thoughts on “Ep 3352b – [DS] Panics Over Wildwood Rally, Blue To Red, Sum Of All Fears, This Is The Final Battle

  • May 13, 2024 at 7:53 pm

    You skipped Friday and Sunday. Whats up with with that? Anything wrong?

  • May 13, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    DAVE, Post 199 says “U1…..Iran/NORTH KOREA….NOT New York.

  • May 13, 2024 at 11:14 pm

    Thank you Dave. Message received,

  • May 14, 2024 at 3:12 am

    Will we have Peace after the DS has their war and disease
    and we are all destroyed?

  • May 14, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    Geez Dave…. Can you even HEAR yourself droning on & on & on with the same repetitive phrases like a broken record???? PLEASE … TAKE A BREATH… SHUT UP FOR 2 SECS & resist the temptation to fall back onto the same old same old crutches …. resist the lazy redundancy & monotony almost every other sentence with ….
    “That tells you everything you need to know….” (just EXPLAIN what you’re talking about instead!)

    Then equally OBNOXIOUS & redundant phrases you get STUCK on ….
    “What’s really interesting is ….” then 30 secs later …. “What else is very interesting is …” then it’s another repetitive “now THAT’s interesting….” & “now the other thing that’s interesting…” & “Isn’t that interesting…” WELL IT’S NOT “INTERESTING” anymore! Your reports are GETTING SO BORING & NAUSEATINGLY REPETITIVE…. and really HARD TO LISTEN TO NOW.
    Wake up Dave!!
    Try taking a breath man & a short PAUSE … and THINK about what you’re SAYING FIRST!!
    I HAVE TO TURN YOU OFF …. and take a break from your lazy, irritating, redundant, repetitive, UNinteresting reports. And when I tune in to see if you’re still doing it, I just have to TUNE OUT again. There are lots of other reporters who DON’T TICK THEIR VIEWERS & LISTENERS OFF like you do.
    JUST TAKE A BREATH …. MAN PLEASE!! Does THAT tell you everything YOU need to Know???


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