Ep 3358b – Comey Panic, Cyber Attack Narrative Building, Pause, Setting The Stage, Optics Are Important

2 thoughts on “Ep 3358b – Comey Panic, Cyber Attack Narrative Building, Pause, Setting The Stage, Optics Are Important

  • May 21, 2024 at 8:25 pm

    Dave, Listen to me carefully. Klaus Schwab has been executed by “white hat” forces and his “stepping down” is merely a ruse to fake out those still sleeping. I direct your attention to Pascal Najadi on Rumble or Telegram.

  • May 22, 2024 at 11:43 am

    All those nefarious people to back all this treason all need to be tried for treason, found guilty of murder, treason, theft, abuse of power, and given what the founding fathers prescribe for treason as their penalty no waivers


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