Ep 3372a – First It Was Canada & Now The ECB Just Cut Rates, Fed Cut Coming Around September, Crash
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The [WEF] is bragging about the 100 billion they have taken in from carbon taxes. Has this helped, no, this is a money grab hoax. Hochul reverses course, it’s an election year, can’t tax people until after the election. Jobs are imploding, wages decreasing and jobs going to illegals. First it was Canada, now the ECB cut rates, next is the Fed in Sept.
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It usually seems in the past, the stock market goes up when banking interest rates go down, as people put their money into higher yields in the stock market.
Please explain the thinking behind a stock market down slide if interest rates are reduced.
Thanks for all you do.
Dave I most appreciate your devotion and dedication to the Great Awakening, where you serve on a grand scale I have tried to reach as many as I can through a One-on-One effort. It has been my esteemed pleasure to listen to your daily broadcast religiously, and to get the TRUTH out pragmatically. God bless and keep going while always giving us what’s happening behind the scenes in order to light a fire in the hearts of those who hear!