Flynn/Clark – [WEF] Is Involved In The Border Invasion,The People Are Fighting Back, The [DS] Is Feeling The Pain
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Today’s Guest: General Flynn & Clay Clark
Website: General Flynn
Time To Free America
With more than 33 years of service in the United States military and current Chairman of America’s Future, General Flynn’s military career culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer. After retiring from the Army in 2014 and as a private citizen, General Flynn went on to serve in a variety of business, educational, and non-profit roles, to include supporting veterans’ organizations around the country, something he continues to do today. General Flynn is a National Bestselling Author, holds three master’s degrees, and is recipient of numerous military, intelligence and law enforcement awards. The conversation begins with General Flynn discussing Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan. This could start WWIII. We are in an information war and the patriots are winning. Clay Clark run the Time To Free America rallies where he speakers like General Flynn, Kash Patel, Eric Trump and many more talk about our freedom and America. The conversation begins with General Flynn discussing the border. We have an invasion on the border and the [WEF] is assisting with the invasion. The [WEF] is trying to bring us into the Great Reset and their agenda is failing. The people need to continue to fight back against it. The military does not work on its own. The elected leaders instruct the military in what to do. The people are waking up the fight against the [DS] is working and we cannot stop now, we must continue to push forward.
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Dave, you need to learn your place !! Your not suppose to challenge authority of people like general Flynn who are probably part of the plan. Why did they come on your show. It’s a big deal they decided to come n yoyr show and redirect your narrative that the military isNOT in control . That’s the back bone of your show. The patriots are in control!! Well general Flynn does want that message going out to people ! The rest of the discussion is useless and bullshit and coffee talk . They came on to stop you from saying that the military is control and that we are in devolution. Well Dave it’s time to stand up to even general Flynn with the hard questions the hard proofs that we are in devolution . Time to prepare your interview better and confront them so we truly see if they are actually black hats as sone have suggested
Can Gen Flynn please explain how voting will fix a rigged election? No disrespect but I would call that insanity.
– Are you telling us that the military would be going against the constitution if they step in? In the event of a rigged election with foreign interference isn’t that part of the job of the military? Wouldn’t military intelligence know about the interference? Bullshit!
– I am a supporter and have been to the reawaken tour so people please don’t think that I am a troll I am just calling bullshit where I see it and that is some bullshit!! I rarely comment but this is ridiculous!
I think Gen Flynn doesn’t understand the law of War Manual and he should know that Trump is the real Commznderin-Chief!
If gold is sooo great, then why does it keep going down?
General Flynn who is our commander and chief?. It’s obviously not Donald Trump.
General Flynn who is our commander and chief? It’s obviously not Donald Trump.
So we can be invaded at our border and Joe Biden can say do not intervene??? You have got to be kidding me!!! If that’s the case we are surely doomed!! And Clay quickly changed the subject on the military something doesn’t seem right to me with what they were saying. Seems like more of a dark hat agenda and not encouraging at all!!
So you’ve finally heard it from the horse’s mouth(General Flynn).
Our military is NOT “in charge”, so may I suggest you stop with that hopium.
OK-so why are our current elected representatives allowing this corrupt administration to continue on with destroying our country? Where in the constitution does it say that treasonous people, who got into office through election fraud, can continue on, unabated, to destroy our justice system; our borders; our currency, etc.
I worked for a grocery store, to one of the largest supermarket chains back in the early 70s, where most of the employees were stealing from the company-believe me, most of them were…and a number of the thieves were related to some of the big shots of the company. If by chance they weren’t stealing, then they were closing their eyes to those who were stealing. When I was hired in 1974, I immediately caught on to what was happening. I went through a lot of hell in trying to expose the huge thefts taking place at this one store that would have eventually closed down this store because it wasn’t making a profit and should have by the amount of business they did.
Even though I was a new hire and I didn’t have any clout per se, I did what was necessary to bring this stealing to a halt-and it was brought to a halt. Eventually, this store that was losing money on a quarterly basis was turned around and started to become successful again. That was nearly 50 years ago and had I not gotten involved in this dishonesty matter and closed my eyes to it all, I wouldn’t be able to tell this story today because enablers end up being only silent cowards.
Where are the people in D.C. that have the ability to bring this nonsense to a halt? We taxpayers spend probably 3/4 of a billion dollars a year (maybe more), on the expense of having these elected people do their jobs (includes their salaries, staff salaries, office expenses, perks, benefits, etc.).
The current struggle is for neither a new nor an old world order.
The current struggle is for the Order of the World.
It is a disturbing but reasonable speculation, that Israel’s Intelligence Services would be caught so flat-footed on this current terrorist operation. Something is seriously wrong with this “surprise attack” scenario. More likely is, DS elements within the Israeli security establishment, just as they were in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and 9/11, are and were involved w/ other DS assets.
It has been said, anti-semitism is the “glue” that holds the Jewish people together. With divisions in Israel reaching a fevered pitch between leftists and conservatives over Judicial reform, this well coordinated assault is a highly suspect DS operation. Project internal divisions onto an externalized “evil other.” War, not peace is what the DS wants. Israelis are highly reactionary. Hamas has long been a DS proxy asset deployed covertly (like MS13) against Israelis. Further, this operation may well include an intended sabotage of Trump’s Abrahamic Accords with a desired result of inflaming the entire Middle East. THIS, the DS hopes will spread globally. The Southern border is the local gateway of DS/Hamas and other sundry infiltration. What is currently occurring in Israel, is precisely what the DS has planned for America. Be Prepared.
Hello Dave I was wondering why you didn’t talk to general Flynn about who’s really in charge and that Trump is war time president because Mr Flynn kept saying that whoever was elected was in charge for the president and as I’ve listened to your show we know that Biden was installed and that our country was attacked and Trump is a war time president?🤔
Note: What the [DS] has been successful at, is re-framing and having morality submit to conventional social constructs, most of these informed by a falsification and exploitation of science as a pretext for an infiltration of American schools, media and most other regulatory bodies, including the Justice System, ALI and ABA. By his own words, Yuval Harari is a complete sociopath — a “married” homosexual sodomite who now purports to inform and shape the world. Time for a return to first principles. and a restoration of a morally informed and inspired American Constitutional Republic, governed by rule of law and informed consent. Why do the American people fight? For Truth, Light & Goodness — and for Freedom. Better to have lived and fought FOR something, than to have died for nothing.
Told you months ago Trump does not control the military, biden does. Only that small segment of the department of energy that controls the nukes and other items is running with Trump. It’s the Q clearance club. If we get into war or any kind of nuclear situation they gain control of the entire military. That’s why the wars are somewhere else and not here. You have been thinking wrong. It’s always about the money. They want to wreck the economy and hold everybody hostage to accept the CBDC. You want your paycheck, ss, retirement, any of that, you will have to accept CBDC. Everyone will be so desperate that all of them will take it. All of the other endless add on’s like migration, propaganda, ect. are just to help that along. That’s why I been saying all along, if they get the CBDC in play it’s over. Who can fight without money. Who can do anything without money. Remember this. The rules of the game have been the same from the beginning of time. Whoever controls the gold makes the rules.
The death jab is still a mystery to me. I did not expect anyone’s head to explode with the phone, but I did expect a little more death. Of course it is like all of their other products. It’s designed so you do not directly die from it, but instead it enhances other unrelated issues to make it less like murder. So there may be more death than we know about.
Some people are suggesting that there will be some kind of pause before the election. Some kind of event that causes everything to stop and things begin to get straightened out. Even Trump has said something along those lines. I don’t personally have any knowledge and I pride myself on giving accurate knowledge. But what they are saying does make sense. There is no way we can go through another election. Another steal would secure it forever. Personally if that were true I would think not long after the economic crash. That’s about when the CBDC will be really pushed and that will need to be stopped. Don’t forget the alien card. Warner Von Braun. “Remember the alien card will be the last card they play”. They have the ships and many other unseen tech’s. I can’t wait for that. You can bet the aliens say the only way we can join club alien is with a one world order. That’s a joke. I think it’s another military industrial complex scam. We need money to fight the aliens if they come back. I could be wrong though. I’m not well versed on that one. Always about the money.
The General wants it both ways, he is telling me that the election are NOT honest. So who are these so called “elected” officials that are in charge of the military? To you General I am calling B.S. .If Biden is not the elected president he sure as hell can’t tell the military what to do. That is the president job, who was the last elected president? Wouldn’t he be the one the military recognize as the commander.
Matthew 24:22 King James Bible
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. Jesus is coming and He is our only saviour.
Why doesn’t Flynn have the answers considering his former position?? Says the military supports and takes orders from those who were elected, it’s he on super dayquill ??
Very disappointing to hear what he said.
I thought all night here in Bangkok, I was very disturbed by Flynn’s comments, it seemed extremely irresponsible, he addressed the illegal immigration and drugs, so, please!!!! Election fraud is legal?????? I think he is stoll protecting Obama and his arrest was fake, everything he said today, it’s like reading a script of what everyone already knows.
Then, when you mentioned the military, he cuts you off, raising his tone of voice, and talks complete nonsense, if what he says is illegal, then he says, the military supports a legitimate government, all unconstitutional, and he sees everything as, all cool, government, regardless, cheating, going against the constitution, sorry, seems military are a pack of useless dopes. So frigging what, military steps in, everyone is waiting for it, I do not trust this dude at all. Tell me where I am wrong!!!!! I could write one thousand pages just about his irresponsible
comments, I don’t trust him.
I checked his generalflimp.con
No way to comment, tells you enough, compared to David Hawkins, this TV general of poopsters, please, let’s be careful, and clay clack, I remember he was extremely fickle, so their information seems calculated. Although, a few important points were mentioned. Maybe Flynn can start a cereal company. Flynn flakes, for not trust him
And oh yes, we guess it was Trump who is sending our warships towards the Middle East, right?
Because HE is in charge of the military, right??? 🙄🙄🙄
What general Flynn is saying makes no sense about the military. Our elected officials if the military only does what elected officials ask the to do we have corrupt elected officials and they keep telling us that we’re supposed to peacefully vote to remove the bad ones, but we can’t because of the corruption, so who is it? to remove the bad ones you don’t want us to go out and get into a physical Civil War. But if the military is not gonna save the constitution. And remove the bad ones from office and conduct safe and transparent elections then who is responsible for can it be fixed. Thanks for what you do Dave.
Hey Dave!!!! Anyway we can get a day’s notice on the trails, and the criminals executions being televised. Need to get my popcorn ready. God bless. WWG1WGA
When Gen Fly said the military is not going to save us and thats not how this works and we would be foolish to think like that … Dave should have replied, “Hey guy…Then who the hell is behind all this Q shit?”