Frank – Change Of Batter Coming, The Entire Sick Corrupt System Is About To Fall
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Today’s Guest: Frank
Website: Quite Frankly
Frank is the creator and owner of Quite Frankly Podcast. Frank begins the conversation with [JB] that he has done nothing his first year. The [DS] players are preparing to change it up and most likely replace him for [KH]. The [DS] is using the pandemic to make a final push, but this will fail. Everything is now in motion to take down the corrupt sick system.
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You guys should look at a Clif High’s take on why Trump is speaking in favor of the vaccine.
Frank wont answer your qustions. He just keeps changing the subject. He’s lke all the others. He doesnt get it!
Glad you spoke the truth Dave!
Another point i would make is that when Trump told everyone to take HCQ, they did the opposite. If he said don’t take the vaccine, I’m not, than maybe more people would have done the opposite and gotten vaccinated. Who knows!
I said it before, The tests are now infecting people. People are not getting the shot, but they will get the test.
I remember years ago that many people thought for sure we would have a Nuclear world war, WWIII. with all the nuclear plants being built, with regular wars happening overseas, however since anthrax, our minds suddenly started to consider bio weapons. NEVER did we consider a virus, let alone a FAKE VIRUS. but considering the FAKE NEWS wanting to make sure THEY weren’t going to get sick, this makes sense. it will come out. ALL OF IT… as far as DJT and the vaccine comment, it comes down to FREE WILL. people need to remember that and not DJT making a comment about it…
Frank!!!!!!!!!! listen to clif high and Patel patriot! FFS! Patel interviews clif. quit being such a doom n groomer. RESEARCH. stop the poor me, it’s gonna get ugly, be afraid, and so on. Do your job. research and help the ppl, like Dave does. how can you NOT hear what dave is trying to tell you?
Let’s keep pretending that “Hillary” is…Hillary. But why? “At this point, what difference does it make?”
I love the way Dave explains why Trump is pretending to support the jabs. It’s a war we’re in & if people go get jabbed, t hey only have themselves to blame. Quite frankly, parents who get their children jabbed should be charged with child abuse. If an adult terrified of the virus with a 99% recovery rate runs like a rabbit to get jabbed & jabbed & jabbed, then that’s their problem. But a child cannot make their own decisions so their parent is killing them or making them sick by getting poisons injected in them…experimental, untested jabs. President Trump is looking at the big picture but majority keep blaming him for the vaccines when he had to do it like Dave says to stop the total destruction of the world. We are in the biggest battle of good v evil in history.
Hi Dave, very well done! Frank is a really good guy, and an important voice for/to NYC. All he needed was more information and a broadening of his understanding of the strategic aspects of DJT’s remarks. You are very good in guiding people such as Frank in a positive direction. God bless! WWG1WGA!!
I think the argument here is DJT has plausible deniability when it comes to the COVID vaccines. The ugly part is that it also seemed to depend upon a certain percentage of the population to take those drugs to release the lockdowns. Furthermore, of the 60% who have taken at least 1 shot but ended up as victims, the stage is set for the hammer to come down on Big Pharma for having blocked therapeutics. In war, this sort of thing happens routinely, one example being the evacuation of Dunkirk where successful rear guard actions at Calais and Arras allowed most of the Allied troops to escape.
I always appreciate Frank`s perspective, thanks for having him on. Keep up the great work, Dave!
Dave your discussion with Dave was brilliant! Thank you for all you do. God bless you 🇺🇸
Dave your discussion with Frank was brilliant. Thank you for all you do. And keep up the good work. You are a true PATRIOT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Frank couldn’t figure out why Kamala of all people, especially considering her one percent in the Primaries. Since when do the cheaters, evil-doers care about their ratings? Didn’t Congress’ ratings suck for years? Then, we found out elections have been stolen for years. Communist regimes don’t care what we want. They never have
110% behind yah! Dave have been since the beginning of your Podcast. I happen to like the Kid seems he was wavering in his perspective. I don’t think I could have been as calm cool and collected as you were at putting him back into it. Lol! You must have Good Sources to draw from or you are the right arm of the source. Nobody can put a podcast together in a 24 hour period and be as accurate as you are. Not asking for answers just giving you Praise! Keep up the Good Work! The Patriots Need You More than Ever. It looks like some are crumbling a bit just when things are starting to turn for the Better. Justice Will be Done! I have No Fear that it Won’t be!
Thank you Dave for putting Frank in the picture on President Trump’s stance on vaccines. It really annoys me when all these people like Frank cannot understand that President Trump is having to do or say things that we don’t like. He is following a plan, we were told to have faith and patience, for God’s sake Frank you sound like a child wanting everything to go your way. President Trump is a genius and I will risk my life for him. Thank you Dave you give me my daily dose of optimism. Happy New Year and God bless you..
Has it not occurred to Frank that President Trump, knowing that some people, who hate him, will do the opposite to what he says? They will be swayed not to be vaccinated, therefore Trump will protect them, and yes his enemies will come to respect him. President Trump is prepared to take all the slings and arrows for all true American people, not only the patriots but the ignorant and the morons. He also knows that true patriots know that he has a game plan and are patient enough to wait for the end result. I, for one, know not to take the vaccine ever and still love Donald Trump!!
I think that it’s a mistake to believe that Trump had any idea how harmful the ” vaccine ” would prove to be when it was released . He’s a great man but not a God or psychic .
Hi Dave, very long term listener, it is hard sometimes to wait but I save your reports for my morning coffee nearly every day.
On the Hillary comments, she is talking about both P and VP here is the data set
Biden=Sane and Stable
Harris=Sober and Productive
I looked into 25th amendment and all that stuff…forget it. Here is how I think it goes…
25th amendment says President can say no at any time and its over, impeachment, forget that too.
Knowing both P and VP are completely compromised, they will both get the shoulder tap to resign and say Yes to that…Biden probably says I am too sick, and Harris says I cant do the job. They both leave.
Instantly, Pelosi is President. That leaves an open VP slot which can be filled with simple majority in both House and Senate. In the Senate one RINO needs to come over, no problem there.
So who would be VP? For a while I thought Hillary and with her recent behavior it seems possible, but I think it would be to devisive and unacceptable. I think it is Buttigig.
Closing thought, I thought it would be by Christmas. Pelosi allocates the trillions then jumps over to spend them. This is why she has been traveling the world on her “fare well tour”. Then before 2024, after the money is dolled out, she retires and the VP becomes P prior to the 2024 campaign season. Since BBB was killed, the timing has only shifted. I thought it would happen during Christmas and New Years.
Think about it, it could all go down in literally 24 hours whenever they decide to do it.
Love your hard work and dedication. Take care and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Please dont reply or use my email or name in case I truly have some Pelican Brief thing going on here. I dont want the trouble. If you agree I will hear it in your program.
Hi Dave.
Just listened to your interview with Frank.
I too have studied the cabal for over 30 years so I can think like them as well.
Here is my take.
If Joe goes out from the 25th amendment Kamala goes in. She would be forced to give the V.P. to Hillary, but she must know about the Clinton body count. I don’t think she wants the job.
I think they are going to release all the dirt they have on Kamala. Biden will come out and say gee we didn’t know about all this. I have convinced Kamala to step down. He brings in Hillary and a few months later Joe and Jill come out and say Joe is too ill to continue on. Hillary becomes president.
If you watched the Patrick Byrnes presentation you know he worked for the FBI and gave H a bribe of over 17 million. I am sure she took it. The bottom line was for Hillary to be president, but Obama had the goods on her. He could control her. Having said that I think Kamala knows she has to go the other route.
Pelosi? It is known Pelosi’s faction and Obama’s faction have had a falling out. So Pelosi and H are now best buddies.
Strange world isn’t it?
Debra Aiello D.Sc.
Happy New Year Dave.
Love ALL your reports.
Shanett 🙂
Zak, I agree with you. It had to be that way. I won’t abandon Trump.
I think what is hard to get most people to understand is that it really is about good versus evil. What I have been telling people look at the whole picture, the old saying they can,t see the forest through the trees. They seem to be just focused on a tree. It is not an R or a D in front of someones name, its what they say and do that defines who they are. You can’t tell me Mitch McConnell is a republican. Hell he is barely human. Look at it all people, it’s not just covid covid covid.
Hi Dave,
I agree with you 100%….Trump has no choice but to seem to support the jabs. Most people do not really understand that this is a psychological battle of the consciousness. The power of suggestion verses the power of logic and reason. Common sense is what will determine the perception of the individual and therefore the belief and subsequent behaviour.
I have also concluded that those who are in compliance through fear or blind ignorance are in effect complicit with the corrupt as their choice of action has endangered all around them. If they had remained resistant, then this plan could never have been implemented to any level of success.
As sad as it is, war will always produce casualties. But there is a filter that allows the strong minded and those that do not comply blindly an opportunity to survive.
Great analysis of the evidence as usual my friend.
Cheers Dave and I wish you a fruitful New Year.
Frank. READ Devolution #15 to understand the reason about the Trump vaccine. HIS VACCINE is NOT a SHOT. It is the TREATMENT that he said in the very first place… PLEASE do not get caught up in the lie about Trump and the vaccine. REMEMBER, they’ve changed the definition of vaccine… AND, Trump started the Military on the TRUE COVID vaccine, which means for a common cold, the flu, and the covid strains. READ IT FRANK. Then come back and give an opinion. I think you are on the wrong track about Trump and HIS vaccine. Vit D3, Vit C, HCQ, Azrithomycin, etc. THAT is the Trump vaccine. Lastly, We are at war and there is going to be, horrid as it seems, casulties, and Trump has saved millions of lives. Respectfully, Pd
Hi Dave,
Love your show. Just a thought, but perhaps Trumps ‘Warp Speed Vaccine program’ is really the vaccine that the military is producing, or has already produced, and was never meant to reference anything that ‘Big Pharma’ has produced. That’s why he stated it “hasn’t killed anyone” and that “he’s very proud of it” etc. He’s left big pharma hanging in the wind to destroy themselves. He’s not referencing them at all when he talks about Warp Speed and no one knows it yet.
Perhaps that’s part of what Chris Miller was inferring when he came out with V.P. Pence and said they were involved with the biggest military operation ever.
Lots to think about.
Listen to you every night. You’re the best!