Gregg Phillips – How Do You Catch A Criminal? Build The Pattern Of Life, Map The Cheaters
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Today’s Guest: Gregg Phillips
Website: True The Vote
Website: Protect America
Gregg Phillips works with Catherine Engelbrecht protecting the people vote. Their organization is called True the Vote. Gregg begins the conversation explaining how he is able to track people using geofencing, this is the same technology that the police use and the FBI. They wanted to know how the cheaters were stealing the election so they thought to themselves how do you catch a criminal, map and track them. Now they have the data and they are sharing this data with law enforcement, everything is motion.
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Greg Phillips should sue Wikipedia for defamation of character. This way he would be able to PROVE his case using all the information he has and proving it to be true.
The cheating on BOTH sides is like a boxing match… whomever can land the most punches below the belt wiins. As we all know, a punch below the belt is cheating. But they have been getting away with it for such a long time that no one knows who REALLY won any of the previous races. We DO know that the candidate backed by the NWO cabal and George Soros will be the winner. It was a fluke that Trump won in 2016. The opposition was evidently not aware that they needed so much more cheating in order to win. They got cocky and said to themselves, “we got this.” And so they lost. Probably the first time in history that complacency did them in. I don’t blame people for giving up on voting. Until this problem is fixed, it does no good at all to vote, I don’t care WHAT self-righteous people say.
Thank you for all your hard work!
DiSantos isn’t who he pretends to be. He’s a pilgrim, who has allegence to the queen, not the USA. Vote for him to get the right things done, but expect him to turn on you down the road.
Great interview with great info. Smart move to join the sheriff’s. Read Sheriff Mack’s book last year & didn’t realize just how powerful they are.
Perhaps I don’t understand but aren’t our fingerprints unique?
Is this not the holy grail for voting? Police sure do love it for
catching our criminals. Or do we just love all the political intrigue?
Great interview with Greg Phillips. Join him in keeping us informed to stay on offense.
Guest spoke first in VAGUE GENERALITIES. I nearly shut it off. When he gives more SPECIFIC info, naming technologies or States, then the discussion starts to seem like it’s actually ABOUT SOMETHING, & WORTH listening to. CHEATING IN ELECTIONS IS NOT OK. All “earnings” from participating should be TAKEN AWAY on conviction by FINES, which go to the State or Local Public Treasury. Perps should also GET A CRIMINAL RECORD. People several steps UP the chain, who ORGANIZE &/OR FUND the cheating, should be EXECUTED FOR TREASON. Trials & Verdicts should be PUBLICIZED, and easily available on Public Records. We’d soon see a RADICAL DECREASE in this Criminal Behavior. Or more public executions. OR BOTH. MAGA!
Thank you David for posting this.. what a great interview.. a little bit of hope and a lot of facts.. we might indeed save this great country
It was good to hear from this guy, but I’m sorry he didn’t answer an important question directly. When you asked him (to paraphrase) weather he has evidence of this type of voter fraud happening inside of the past 50 years or so, he gave us a history lesson. From the standpoint of wishful thinking, is it possible he cannot tell us on this show knowing the enemy is paying close attention to X22 and all other truth patriot shows? Or is he incapable of giving a direct answer? He himself started researching in “82, he and all those with him from back then have had a lot of time to gather evidence.
To me, it was treasonous for any executive or politician to “outsource” any aspect of local, state, or federal vote tabulation or counting to a non American entity or agency or government. And I have never trusted high technology, or the scum worm twirps that create it like Jobs, gates, wasniak, musk and all the rest of the seemingly countless shit worms like these guys ( who I still consider to be a front man for black project three letter agencies.)
Hi Dave!
You are doing a great job with your reports. I have great hope that the Patriots are in control! But I have a fear that I want to share with you and if it happens, we Patriots are screwed! What if the deep State democrats do something to stop the mid-term elections to stay in power? What will happen? Will you PLEASE do a report on this or include it in one of your future reports? This potential situation of the mid-term elections being halted needs to be addressed!
Tank You
Wanye P. Barber
Excellent talk. Thank you Gregg for your efforts.
Question regarding research: where can we go to get true facts?
Again, thank you!
The world is watching the USA. We need the lying criminals out and behind bars for all our sakes.