H Schlanger – [DS] Using Every Trick In The Book To Stop What’s Coming, The People Are Waking Up WW
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Today’s Guest: Harley Schlanger
Website: La Rouche Organization
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Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization. Harley begins the conversation talking about the Germany on how the people are beginning to wake up and push back, they see their economy breaking down and the policies of the climate scam is not working. It started with the farmers pushing back now it is spreading to all. The [DS] is now trying to push the world into war. Their plan will fail in the end, the people will be pushed to the precipice and will find the will to change.
Information – Interesting how information makes it way out into the world controlled by Satan. A Dr. Kaufman speaks of diseases and mentions Guillain-Barre. My father died from Guillain-Barre which he contracted shortly after he was vaccinated (for free) in the veteran’s hospital when he went in for a checkup. There was nothing wrong but he foolishly accepted the ‘free vaccine.’ A rather expensive freebie. That is what started me on studying vaccines and is why I have never had one. Also, I was born before there were any mandated vaccines for children. Think about that; why are there mandates to vaccinate children? For the children’s good, or for the profits of big pharma? Or, more likely? For population control! There are many in Satan’s human governments who openly advocate for reducing the population of the earth. I am sure you can figure this out on your own. I was INOCULATED against small pox and those inoculations stopped small pox. Those inoculations did the same in Africa. The next step in Africa was vaccinations for small pox. You can research and find the details about how badly that turned out. If you have questions about this, please ask, or email me with your doubts/questions; rich515151@yahoo.com. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home.
Here is the Truth; Satan knows that his time is very limited. Satan is to be put into a state of inactivity
What Is the Great Tribulation?
The Bible’s answer — The great tribulation will bring the greatest time of trouble ever to come upon mankind. According to Bible prophecy, it will occur during “the last days,” or “the end time.” (2 Timothy 3:1; Daniel 12:4, New American Bible) It will be “a tribulation such as has not occurred from the beginning of the creation that God created until that time, and will not occur again.”—Mark 13:19; Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21, 22.
Events during the great tribulation
● Destruction of false religion. With surprising speed, false religion will be destroyed. (Revelation 17:1, 5; 18:9, 10, 21) The political powers represented by the United Nations will carry out God’s will in taking this action.—Revelation 17:3, 15-18.
● Attack on true religion. A coalition of nations, referred to in Ezekiel’s vision as “Gog of the land of Magog,” will try to annihilate those who practice true religion. However, God will protect his worshippers from destruction.—Ezekiel 38:1, 2, 9-12, 18-23.
● Judgment of earth’s inhabitants. Jesus will judge all mankind and “will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (Matthew 25:31-33) The basis for his judgment will be the support, or lack of support, that each person gave to Jesus’ “brothers,” those who will rule with him in heaven.—Matthew 25:34-46.
● Gathering of Kingdom rulers. Faithful ones who have been chosen to rule with Christ will finish their earthly course and be resurrected to life in heaven.—Matthew 24:31; 1 Corinthians 15:50-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.
● Armageddon. This “war of the great day of God the Almighty” is also called “the day of Jehovah.” (Revelation 16:14, 16; Isaiah 13:9; 2 Peter 3:12) Those judged adversely by Christ will be destroyed. (Zephaniah 1:18; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10) This will include the destruction of the worldwide political system, pictured in the Bible by a seven-headed wild beast.—Revelation 19:19-21.
Events after the great tribulation
● Confinement of Satan and the demons. A great angel will hurl Satan and the demons “into the abyss,” a symbol of deathlike inactivity. (Revelation 20:1-3) Satan’s condition in the abyss could be likened to being in prison; he will be unable to influence affairs elsewhere.—Revelation 20:7.
● The Millennium begins. God’s Kingdom will begin its 1,000-year reign, which will bring great blessings to mankind. (Revelation 5:9, 10; 20:4, 6) An unnumbered “great crowd” will “come out of the great tribulation,” surviving it to see the start of the Millennium on earth.—Revelation 7:9, 14; Psalm 37:9-11.
In the book of Revelation, false religion is symbolized as Babylon the Great, “the great prostitute.” (Revelation 17:1, 5) The scarlet-colored beast, which destroys Babylon the Great, is a symbol of the organization whose purpose is to unite and represent the nations of the world. It first existed as the League of Nations and is now the United Nations.
Well Harley doesn’t seem to know that Biden is NOT for Israel – he’s anti-Israel. His problem is that most of his voters for pro-Israel and the loud few are pro-Palestine. Why doesn’t Harley know that? Why does he feel sorry for poor old Hamas that was treated badly by Israel (which it wasn’t until they raped and pillaged). And I’m sorry but exactly what is a Christian zionist? Is it a denomination? I’ve only heard the term spewing out of the legacy media – nowhere else. Does it mean God’s people who support God’s people? Finally, I guess he hasn’t read the drop about “leaving Israel till last”.
He’s NOT to call out those bullying isreali-zionists hiding behind actual (if real) bloodline semite jews.
C’mon, these zio-jews are killing semetic-Palestinians. WOMEN AND CHILDEN! Harley gets it.
Thank you, Dave.