Harley Schlanger – Conspiracy No More, [DS] Agenda Exposed, We The People Are The Cure
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Today’s Guest: Harley Schlanger
Website: La Rouche Organization
Harley begins the conversation discussing how the great reset is no longer a conspiracy. The [DS] is pushing their agenda and they will not stop. They are turning the world into what they want, a planet of surfs with unelected leaders controlling the show. The people are the cure and need to stand up to this and it is possible. The war is real the news is fake.
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On your interview with HARLEY SCHLANGER, he mentioned something very important on how to destroy this corporate system.
But since there is no option to go back. I wasn’t able to catch what he said. Could you give me more details on this.
We the people are thoroughly pissed and want to act. We need to know exactly what to do. we need a leader. What do we do?
We thought the military was going to step in. They have all the evidence. Why has all of this cheating and fraud on the American people not been called out and sent out over emergency broadcast? we all need the truth put out world wide.
The military is part of the problem. They are part of the politician and unionized government employee crime gang, a huge player in the destruction of this republic.
a planet of surfs. Should be serfs
Generally good arguments and discussion. However, I think you’re missing key points that effect your point of view and this will continue as long as you believe we still have a two-party system and that our Congress has any power. There are trillions upon trillions of missing money (See: Catherine Austin Fitts– Solari Report and John Titus– BestEvidence YT channel). The USA is being run by central bankers, under the umbrella of the BIS. There is **evidence** there, not speculation. The missing money is legal (Research: FASAB56 / FASB56) where it is legal for US government agencies to have secret funds (no reporting). Even so, they fail their audits. Fitts has been reporting on missing money from the DOD and HUD for years. Due to having a **shadow** financial systems we now have our policies and military in private hands (not all of the military — not yet anyway). But, there is a war for the space lanes just as the marine/shipping lanes were the primary means of controlling sectors of the planet. Trump did the right thing with SpaceForce, but whoever gets control of our airspace controls the continents and communication (including banking) infrastructure on the planet — winner take all! If you believe that AI is not an imminent threat, then please do more research because there is plenty of documentation and evidence to the contrary. The global elite are psychopaths and may not win, but they are patient and have a long game where most of the US population is still in the dark about what is going on. Wait for a few years if we don’t stop the central bankers from converting our paper/coins into digital currency and see how long it takes for them to implement a social credit score.
Well spoken and true. However, I believe America’s greatest days are ahead! The United States of American is Gods gift to the world and He is not going to let it be in the hands of the lowly deep state. The white hats have all the information they need to bring justice and it is going to be here soon and we will be celebrating!
They will win because the vast majority of Tv the drones think what the mainstream media tells them to think. It is the word of their god.
They need to be hung in public before they have have a chance to set up and operate their guillotines.
The entire economy runs on debt!! What the government is calling *growth* is actually inflation. They’re hiding inflation in energy prices … seen gas go up lately? When the price of crude oil was crunched this past week, what happened? A ship accidentally got turned sideways in the Suez Canal. There were other oil related “accidents” in other places as well. What happened? Crude oil prices went up again. These crazy manipulations of our economy and currency will continue. Do you have a lot of bonds in your retirements account? Better look into the bond market because you’re going to get scr*wed when this whole “global reset = new world order) comes together.
We will all be screwed and will worship Lucifer.
There is hidden technology where a module device the size of a shoebox that provides free electric energy for a home so why can’t also a free electric module for cars and trucks! Maybe the criminals use speakers to deceive and keep denied this tech!
Why have we been reporting Covid-19 cases and deaths (WITH Covid not solely FROM Covid – only 6%) like a sporting event – to create FEAR in order to get our attention, achieve compliance and more importantly OBEDIENCE for other things to follow – as proven in the history time after time, people in fear can be controlled.
While, according to CDC, the survival rates are
• 0-19 age – 99.997%
• 20-49 age – 99.98%
• 50-69 age – 99.5%
• 70+ age – 94.6% – which is understandable since this age group has more other health issues
Reporting on survival rates would generate HOPE as opposed to FEAR.
We don’t need the pollution from oil batteries and so much toxic mess that we have a hidden technology that provides free electric power for a house and the device is only the size of a shoebox that can help fix many pollution and money waste that would help everyone! We need honest leaders and groups that are transparent that cares for helping humanity!
You never talk about the QFS – quatum financial system. How does it fit into alll that is playing out right now?
Thank you for having Harley on, I could listen to him for hours. He really ‘gets it’. Understands how the evil cabal are trying to depopulate & turn everyone into mindless zombies. My ONLY criticism is his lack of awareness of how involved Communist China is in trying to destroy the U.S. Constitution. I totally get what he’s saying about the City of London but they are not the only players….CCP have an equally or even stronger role as they are ideologically driven to replace democracy with totalitariarism. Look at what they are doing on Hong Kong to prevent democracy & individual freedom. I know you understand it Dave…….but I’ve listened to Harley on Rogue News & he never ever criticizes China. Ok, that’s my rant of the day. Keep up the excellent work Dave, your reports are like a breathe of fresh air.
I really hope the Generals convince the ones who are holding back to move soon as the situation becomes more n more idiotic.
This interview was probably one of the most informative and easily understood I have listened to. I’m thinking once Trump has his new social media site up and running, this information will start to flow freely to the people. I really like how Harley said, “Co2 is Plant Food”. I’ve been saying that for years now. Want to help the Planet? Plant a tree! I’m going to go back and listen to the final minutes of the interview so I can sign up to Harleys website! Excellent interview Dave….looking forward to the next X-22 Report!
DAVE! Thanks so much for all you do! When this is over we are going to have a huge party to celebrate and you are invited brother. You have been a huge part of waking up a ton of people and I am forever grateful. Keep up the good work and know we have your back brother! Craig
I believe there are doubters about the progress being made with the Q plan.
I think the plan is working and searches reveal some events.
Yesterday my flight from Newark to Ft Myers was directed due west from Daytona towards Tampa instead of a straight shot to Ft Myers.
Could it be that the fleet off shore from the Cape was searching for the rogue submarine?
Could it be that there is an attempt to prevent Spacex from launching the big cluster of satellites?.
Could the satellites play a part in enabling broadcasts on the EB globally?
It would be great news to hear something current about DUMBs though
The BEST description that I have heard is that the demonic elite are moving us from a Carbon Based System Into a Silicone Based System.
Where is President Trump while our world crumbles? The elites around the globe are arrogant evil people that are all connected. Problem is majority of the people are blind. God help us!
Every time I watch the X22 report it shuts down halfway through and I have to restart. It’s the only site that does this. More censorship.
Delta, just said they do not like the new voters law in Georgia, does that mean Delta will let all none white people fly without an ID. Maybe we should not fly Delta anymore.
The military needs to hunt down every Central Banker and eliminate them from the planet. Problem solved! The central Bankers are the root cause of the world’s problems
No worries. “Patriots in control”, Soon they will “lock her up”. Huber, Durham will soon emerge, Wray will resign, just trust Wray, Pence, and the man that hired Faux-chi and rolled out “Operation Warp Speed” while overseeing the destruction of the Middle class. The Insurrection will be retro-invoked by 45, 17 has it under control. The election is secured. Trust the Plan.
Feels great, does it not?
We will all be screwed and will worship Lucifer.