Harley Schlanger – Soros, Global Bankers Are Attempting To Destroy Nationalism, Patriots Are Rising Up
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Today’s Guest: Harley Schlanger
Website: La Rouche Organization
Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization. Harley begins the conversation talking about the Germany on how the people are beginning to be concerned about the state of the economy and how they are now moving to net zero. Germany is now losing manufacturing and the economy is suffering. Harley explains how Biden is now trapped and the war that is approaching is going to become more intense.
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I like Harry, but his view on Marcos is sketchy.
Iran involved in Gaza
Hi Dave,
I like your analyses and reports a lot, and I appreciate the amount of time, documentation, and thought that goes into them. I didn’t know who Harley Schlanger was until this video, so thank you for the introduction! I don’t disagree with you often, but now I am confused. Why, in the face of opinions of people like Harley, that you obviously respect, why do you remain adamant that every anti-Palestinian-genocide protest is just a fake Antifa thing? It is a worldwide phenomenon. People are outraged at the slaughter of Innocents! Harley says it’s another bankers’ war. The same military industrial complex is enriching itself there as in Ukraine. There is the same false flag sketchy beginning to the whole thing in Israel as what has been happening every time. I just think it’s funny that the blinders go on when “Israel” is involved. Everything about this is crazy. They are killing so many people, creating more hatred, that there will now be no end to Israel’s enemies for at least a generation. I see it as an attempt to keep warfare alive as long as possible. I think it is totally a deep state operation, on both sides. I hope someday a lot more Christians will realize that someone is not always right because they chose to call themselves the same word that is mentioned in the Bible. The Bible itself, in fact Jesus himself, has plenty to say about exactly that. I don’t think God’s people, Israel, equals today’s State of Israel government. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Thank you.
Hi Dave. Would you please show a link to your sister station SGTREPORT.COM and get Shaun over there to have a link for X22REPORT.COM on his site. Sometimes you or sgt are only broken links and i am unable to bring up online. Thank you very much for your site. Chris