Harley Schlanger-The [CB] Establishment Is Corrupt,The Truth Will Destroy Their Great Reset Plan WW
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Today’s Guest: Harley Schlanger
Website: La Rouche Organization
Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s, you can now follow Harley at The LaRouche Organization. Harley begins the conversation discussing the supply chain issues and how this is man made to bring us into the Great Reset. Everything the [CB] establishment is doing now is to push the entire world into their new banking dictatorship. Fuel prices are increasing to convince people that we need green energy, this will fail. The people are pushing back WW.
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- Ep 2607a – We Are At An Economic Crossroads,[CB] Structure Change Has Begun →
When my banking is no longer personal due to IRS invasion the answer is simple. Close bank accounts go strictly cash stop using credit cards get rid of them. If IRS monitors my bank account i get rid of account.
Biden trying to get us to accept supply chain issues just as Obama tried to tell us that the US manufacturing, industry was over & we need to accept lower GDP & a weak US. Well, Trump showed us different! We need Trump now more than ever.
So happy to find a comments page!!
Dave (InThisEpsode😉), you keep me positive because your comments stay consistent; your message is truth and easy for me to pass on to others.
Bless you for being a Good Word voice that helps silence the bellowing evil voices.
A Colorado fan
Dave, it’s a special pleasure to hear you and Harley together. your audience and LaRouche’s worldwide access to data and resources are a match made in patriot heaven. thank you, gentlemen. you are both invaluable in our battle for economic freedom and the enjoyment of our God-given liberties against the fascist globalists attempting to subordinate the world to serfdom.
let’s go, Brandon
I love it when you have Harley on; he has such great insight into geo-political systems. I always learn so much from him. And you are a great interviewer Dave & allow your guests to speak without interrupting them. Thank you for all you do. I wouldn’t know what’s going on without your channel. I mean, I would have some idea of course as I’m fully awake but you share great details. The plan is working out perfectly!
Sorry, I just dont think anyone knows what they are talking about when they label the Germans in WWII as Harley has. He obviously doesnt know or understand the destruction and genocide was on the German people….plus I am gathering none of you understand this since Dave doesnt counter back with some truth. People are tired of the lies and propaganda….This is one of the biggest lies ever! Hitler was a good man…History will prove me right! I turned this off 1/4 way thru since its full of same ole mistruths and lies…
Dave, Huge Fan,, SF bay area resident, Semi Retire Electrician, my wife and I listen daily, love your shows, love your spotlights, Well done,, we’re in a huge war, worse in my lifetime, we’re being over thrown from with in. We’re in big trouble,, I’m not sure if the general public, the people, have the Balls, the spine to follow through in gaining their freedoms back, people take the easy way out and give in to the fascism.. I pray I’m wrong, I see the protests globally, I pray it continues, But I do not see justice happening, when do we see the Tribunals, live on TV,, needs to happen.. 2024 will be too late, our country will be gone in one more year,, 2022 will be another failed and stolen election, 2020 needs to be fixed, first,, God Bless you,, Stay strong,
The current model of banking and currency is based on the Bank of England model, founded in 1694. Benjamin Franklin stated that the main reason for the American Revolutionary War was the insistence by George III that the American colonies accept Bank of England banknotes, which were issued as promissory notes, rather than use the increasingly successful American fiat script, issued by the colonies in the CORRECT quantity and not bearing debt! We must be prepared for a new monetary system, an honest one, when our present debt-based banking cartel collapses. Kindly read and critique this proposed Constitutional Amendment. But first, a little background…
From “The Truth in Money Book” by Theodore R. Thorsen and Richard F Warner:
QUOTE Someone had to borrow at usury to bring that money [checkbook balances, bills and coins] into existence. The money goes out of existence as the usury and the debt principal are paid back to the bank. These amounts are huge: several billion dollars go out of existence each day. [Actually this money goes into the reserve accounts of the Federal Reserve Banks, out of the hands of the public! This book was first printed in November 1980. The amounts which are withdrawn presently are much larger.] If the money is not replaced with new loans, a shortage occurs. Soon individuals and businesses experience serious cash flow problems. These result in more and more loan applications to banks—the only place where money is being created to replenish the supply” UNQUOTE
Here is one possible solution—-To Hell with Fractional-Reserve Debt-Based Banking Constitutional Amendment
(1) Rescind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and rename existing Federal Reserve notes and check book balances, in all U.S. banking and credit-creating institutions as well as foreign holdings of dollars, on a 1-to-1 basis, as U.S. Treasury Dollars and U.S.Treasury-Denominated bank balances. All currently existing financial contracts of the Federal Reserve Banking System, including United States Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, and Inflation-Protected Securities, remain in effect.
(2) Henceforward, ex nihilo credit creation by banking and financial institutions in the United States is prohibited. Loans are required to originate from previous savings of U.S. Treasury Dollars and U.S. Treasury-Denominated bank balances, which for each loan are held in and paid from specific sequestered loan accounts by the various financial institutions, with interest charges and term limits for each loan to be determined solely by the contracting parties. Non-cash reserves held in the regional Federal Reserve Banks in accounts of the member institutions of the Federal Reserve System no longer form the basis for credit creation and are extinguished via accounting erasure. Any further payments of principal and interest on currently-existing promissory notes owned by any bank are required to be distributed to holders of savings accounts and checking accounts in that bank in a manner to be determined by each bank, such procedures to be transparent to savings or checking account holders at that bank in terms of amount and frequency of payment. Regional Federal Reserve Banks continue to provide check-clearing operations for the member banks.
(3) Monetary transactions of the regional Federal Reserve banks or of its member banks with international banks, including the Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund, can not include ex nihilo credit creation.
(4) The U.S. Treasury supplies Treasury Dollars as needed to any member bank of the Federal Reserve system to satisfy demands for cash by deposit and savings account holders in excess of cash reserves held by banks at the time of enactment of this amendment.
(5) Fund the U.S. government and its agencies and projects directly via Treasury Dollars authorized by the Congress in its yearly federal budget. The borrowing of money from the Federal Reserve system of banks or from other institutions or individuals to pay for federal government expenditures is prohibited. All outstanding Treasury Securities are henceforward redeemed on demand via payment with U.S. Treasury Dollars.
(6) Abolish the Federal Income Tax on individuals, corporations, and business enterprises while maintaining a social security tax on individual incomes. Social security retirement revenues are strictly sequestered in Federal Government Retirement Accounts held by the U.S. Treasury and managed by the Social Security Administration. The Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is hereby rescinded and the Internal Revenue Service disbanded.
(7) Institute a federal sales tax with a varying yearly tax rate adjusted by the U.S. Congress in session, the sole aim of such adjustments being to maintain a stable or decreasing Consumer Price Index based on data collected by the Federal Government. Any such federal sales taxes taken in by the Federal Government are extinguished from the currency supply to keep the Consumer Price Index stable or decreasing and are not utilized for further funding.
(8) Clause 1, Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution is amended to read as follows: The Congress shall have Power to collect customs duties on imports and exports, uniformly applied throughout the United States.
(9) Clause 2, Article 1, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution is rescinded.
(10) The adoption of this amendment does not prohibit the use by the citizens of the United States of any alternative currencies they should choose to use in their private or commercial transactions, provided both parties to the transaction agree to the medium of exchange.