Jeff O’Donnell – The Election Fraud Pattern Has Been Discovered,This Will Not End Well For The [DS]
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Today’s Guest: Jeffrey O’Donnell
Jeffrey O’Donnell Chief Information Officer Ordros Analytics, Ordros Analytics, LLC uses cutting edge forensic and analytical research to assist grass-roots election integrity movements all over the United States. Our goal is simple: Fix the stolen 2020 Election and safeguard all future elections from similar crimes. Jeff discovered an algorithm that was used to preload votes. This discovery led to a pattern that was used in many other states. The proof of election fraud is emerging.
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- Ep 2764a – The Fake News Is Protecting The [CB], They Know What’s Coming →
Dave: I think your guest was looking for the word *liability*. I hate when then happens. I empathize with him. Anyway, thank you both!
Imaging should be a part of the election process EVERYWHERE.
Colorado – so corrupt. Thanks to Tina for being a true Patriot. Griswold is a Soros paid POS.
Who is Utah’s Secretary of State ?
Is Utah’s Voter Registration Statistics available ?
Every home owner and renter should be able to take their lease agreement or property tax bill with recent utility bill to prove they live at the address and state who is legally able to vote at the residence all others should be removed from the property address immediately no wait period, Immediate removal.
So what good is any of this information & #2) we don’t have an honest justice system or dept bc they’re all in on it…so nothing will be done, we have no ‘law & order’ in this country & its obvious the ruling class & all of the Biden admis. are criminals themselves,which is why they are advocates to the criminals & have no intention of letting up,much less care about the victims of crimes…so many things show us how bad the criminality of this admin. is & how many laws they have broken,not just of Constitutional laws,but of God’s laws too..
Jeff O’Donnell was terrific. Why is there not ONE RULE NATIONALLY for secure voting, and why do these individual counties by State get free license to set their own rules, and not uphold them or then manipulate? I do not like this lack of record integrity nor digital security and authorized Source Code corruption at all! The result is our 20th Century American Republic has been dishonored by a secret, massively evil, political coup d’etat?
I don’t even care if my vote is kept secret, if it yields election honesty. Match my vote with my fingerprint, already captured at age 18 for a job requiring a Secret Government clearance! Or use my photo to prevent vote duplication or theft, or for me to double-check or for all to see! I can protect myself from criticism over my political choices, but I cannot protect my voting right as a U.S. Citizen from political incompetency, theft and outright corruption!
Very interesting..riveting..thank you
It has become increasingly evident, the Democrats & their Globalist associates – other than theater for public consumption – were not planning for any further elections. As a political party, neither have they provided for the future. This is why they went full corruption and tossed care to the wind. now considers X-22 Report to be dangerous, so they are prohibiting me from going directly to X-22. My guess is that they do not like the topic of election fraud. We are being censored more each day in an Orwellian nightmare!
Capt Brad Fry here just got done for the night with Edward Solomon working on more analytics of 2020 election Maricopa is completed NV still has some analytics for a couple more days put the conclusion is it was not a valid election.
There should be no reprieve for anyone that knowingly and willingly manipulated the voting process, none whatsoever,jail time for all of those caught doing it.
Hi Dave.
Great work but I can’t open rumble. What do I need to do?
I would be nice if you published a glossary of the people and organizations you refer to by their initials. I have have figured out most, but I still have no idea what CB refers to as well as some others that appear less frequently.
I live in Colorado and was a pole watcher. I complained about mail in voting more than once. This was a complete Conspiracy. Who is going to payback the American People for All the Damages?
So what good is any of this information & #2) we don’t have an honest justice system or dept bc they’re all in on it…so nothing will be done, we have no ‘law & order’ in this country & its obvious the ruling class & all of the Biden admis. are criminals themselves,which is why they are advocates to the criminals & have no intention of letting up,much less care about the victims of crimes…so many things show us how bad the criminality of this admin. is & how many laws they have broken,not just of Constitutional laws,but of God’s laws too..
If the votes can’t be verfied,then the election can’t be legit & must be done over
They threw out,burned & shredded ligit ballots for Trump,so no, that won’t work either… this is why they chose all the methods of the steal & there were many ways they cheated