Kash Patel – Hunter Will Be Indicted, [DS] Advocated An Overthrow, Rule Of Law Must Be Followed
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Today’s Guest: Kash Patel
Website: Fight With Kash
Book: Government Gangsters
Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities. Kash begins the conversation talking the firing of Tucker, then the conversation moves into how Hunter will be indicted. The [DS] advocated the overthrow of the US government and the rule of law must be followed. The people are being exposed to their crimes.
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In a roundabout way, looks like Kash shut down your “military option” again. And you didn’t call him out, when he said he believes Trump will be reelected in 2024. With all the fraud crap still in place, you should’ve asked him, just how he thinks Trump can get reelected.
I have been a trump supporter for all these years. It just seems like this is Another part of the joke on is the people
We are slowly being executed. I would rather fight for myself rather than another basic politician like the cabal and trump and every one else. We caught the all we know the plan. Great line to scam us the people that are slowly being tortured. This is very sad.
The sincerity of Kash comes through loud and clear. The question I present is that all of the voting in the world cannot repair the Hammer and Scorecard electronic intervention which can switch as many votes as the dark state needs to install literally any proponent of the Marxist Color Revolution and do this switch at any level and nearly any location.
Re Kash’s talk, I DO think we should break the law so “they” will stop killing Americans!
To push back on Kash’s remarks on this show, I DO feel it is justified to break the law, in view of all of the Americans who have died (and will continue to die) because of their repeated unlawful actions.
The Agencies of Government have been captured by many sons and daughters of darkness. These are resonating and acting in accord against The Republic, and also against the sons and daughters of Light upon whom The Republic is founded. This is a Spiritual War. The Essenes at Qumram on The Dead Sea, wrote of wars between the sons of Light and the sons of darkness. This struggle between good and evil rises from antiquity and the struggle between the forces of entropy and chaos embodied in Set/Satan, and the creative order of Horus. These are archetypes of formative forces manifest in duality, and they are `real’ insofar as the formative powers of an experiential process in duality, could or would imply.