Kash Patel-Red Wave Worked,The Only Way To Shutdown The [DS],Put It On Full Blast For The World To See
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Today’s Guest: Kash Patel
Website: Fight With Kash
Book: The Plot Against The King
Kash Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations. Kash oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities.Kash begins the conversation explaining that the red wave worked, we are got the house and we will get the senate. The only way to shutdown the [DS] is to put it on full blast for the world to see.
Kari lake must win. She had 80%..we must finally stop the steal from all these candidates who fought so hard . Is the military the answer…I think so..
Discouraging to hear Kash speak. His time-line and solutions don’t align with the Q posts. Nevertheless, it’s a good wake up call for me to take only sips of the Q kool-aid. Kash is tight with Trump and it doesn’t sound like there is any sense of urgency to correct these criminal syndicate matters. Thus, patriots must do it on our own. I do believe this will get ugly. The Q posts did however keep us civil for awhile. Cheers Dave.
We need to HOLD on NO matter how HARD it gets ! NEVER GIVE UP or GIVE IN !
Great interview! Way to go Dave and Kash ! Patriots are with you…..Happy Veterans Day ….
You owe it to yourself to view THESE facts. Fast forward to the intel portion past the music.
Kash. Oz didn’t ‘lose’ in PA. THEY CHEATED!!! I never saw or heard Oz, but do you think I, or anyone who’ve seen or heard Fetterman, who also was a basement campaign case would vote for him. Even mainstream media questioned his competency. It was FIXED no matter who ran against him. DT knew this would happen, and chose someone who is known nationwide while exposing his competition as a mentally unfit candidate. Thus, showing the COUNTRY how obvious this cheating is. Oz won my Washington County vote 52M to Fetterman 39M. Fetterman had 14M mail-in ballots. Over a third. Oz had 4M mail-in ballots. One fourteenth. Qz lost my precinct [F-271 to O-209.] The poll workers looked like they all came on the ‘short bus’. No offense. Oz did not “lose”. I think you know that. The people of PA have spoke.
Wow! Thank you, Dave, for having Kash Patel on the show. He corroborated my layman’s instinct that detected mainstream misinformation about the election. I felt very satisfied with the size of the “wave” and felt it was a big win. I also learned a lot from Mr. Patel about what we can look forward to regarding Congressional hearings in the new year. I am very disappointed in how certain Republican politicians, such as Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy seem to be trying to divide the party by promoting DeSantis. DeSantis would not be the FL governor in his first campaign had he not had Trump in his corner.
I have one point of criticism for the Q operators. Could they really not have exposed and taken down the propaganda networks sooner than they have? Kash claims that Mastriano and Oz didn’t communicate effectively with the voters. But how could they overcome the tidal wave of BS washing over the population, too many of whom still believe the MSM? They may be failing all by themselves, but NOT FAST ENOUGH. Do it Q!
There are a couple of elephants in the room here. Why wasn’t the corruption at the FBI and DOJ dealt with while Team Trump had the chance? Patel talks about certain GOP candidates failing on messaging during the midterms. That may or may not be true. Regardless, where’s the accountability when it comes to hiring Chris Wray to replace Jim Comey? Or, were the FBI and DOJ actually allowed to remain corrupt so the donkeys could steal the executive branch in 2020? Second, because Team Trump decided not to use executive power at the time to promote election integrity, doesn’t it make the concept of outvoting the steal for the 2022 midterms an unnecessary or even risky gamble? Let’s just say I’m not fond of the idea that one can actually beat a gamed voting system without first taking care of the rigged system to begin with. The 2022 midterms were only slightly less vulnerable to hacking through drop and rolls and mail in ballot fraud as a result of permitting the 2020 steal. There’s also the side issue of had Team Trump not standing their ground against the COVID hoax which made elections easier to rig and the idea outvoting the steal that much harder. It just seems to me Team Trump, intentionally or not, made things a lot more difficult for themselves than they ought to have been which also means they own both the good and the bad of that approach.
The only thing Durham has done effectively is not get convictions! He was appointed by taco
Bill Barr!! I’ll be watching the Republican house come up with all these excuses why they can’t do this or can’t do that!! Nothing will get done! As far as the election, there definitely was a red wave! Anytime you can take the house and senate, that’s a wave! Republicans got 6 million more votes than democrats! Lots of local races went to republicans!!! Media won’t talk about that!
Red wave worked huh?
Let’s see, the military is nowhere to be found. Q is spewing obvious nonsense we’ve known for 50 years. The Democrats just stole the Senate and they are a few races away from stealing the House, which they probably will. In fact I’d almost bet my life on it. It just keeps getting closer and closer, so that means they are taking it. So please, enlighten us. Enlighten us how this worked. Yeah, it’s mostly the voters fault because turnout was barely 50%. HAD we voted, it would have worked. But with nothing done about 2020, here we are again. Now that THIS election was stolen, and the Republicans won’t do anything again, watch turnout next time be 25-30%. People are DONE.
I hate to break it to you, but NCSWIC is actually talking about The Great Reset. No one is coming to save us.
Well Dave. What’s the story. We have the biggest steal of an election the world has ever seen. Massive cheating. Same drop and roll ballot dumps etc .and yet no one seems to care. The Military should be stepping in. Face it. The senate is lost. The house is lost. Your country loses. Machines must go.
The Republicans should buy primetime TV and have Durham present all of the information hidden from the public on Russia Collusion and then go into the 2020 election information so the public gets informed. And when ready share the information on Joe Biden involvement with Hunters foreign involvements. Democrats set the stage Republicans need a platform where the public gets the facts.