Lior Gantz – The [CB] Globalist System Is Coming To End, A New Economy Is Being Born
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Today’s Guest: Lior Gantz
Lior runs numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade, he is an entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder of Lior begins the conversation talking about the Europe and the energy crisis that they are facing. The cost of energy will push the people to the brink. Inflation has not gone away and its going to get worse. The [CB] globalist system is coming to an end.
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Coal can be gasified with low technology.
Main difference between the Democrats and Trump? Whereas Trump is a law keeper, Democrats are law breakers. Problem is, Democrats have come to imagine law-breaking is “normal.”
Great interview wit Mr Gantz. In Taiwan we know they have at least 11 bio labs. China must invade to destroy bio and chemical and nuclear potential for bombs. Call it like Putin, “…a limited operation.”!!!
I’m finishing my book on the Rapture. Would you be interested in writing the introduction?
I find some of Lior’s thinking questionable.
More and more people are waking up to the reality that a Ukrainian jewish president with a nazi army makes as much sense as a screen door in a submarine. Then, when that president says, “Maybe Ukraine could become another Israel,” he is not blowing smoke; he is telling us what the plan is because in the satanic scheme of things the evil-doers HAVE to tell their enemies what their plan is to assault or destroy us. If they tell us in movies, TV shows, ads, books, whatever, what they plan to do to us and we ignore it, blow it off, laugh at it, they believe they exonerate themselves of at least some of the karma of what they plan to perpetrate against us.
Much of Ukraine and also Khazahkstan were Khazaria, ancestral home of ashkenazi – khazar peoples, some of the richest real estate on the planet. The sabbatean frankist (satanist) jews want that territory back. The Russians know this and are determined to prevent this happening. So therefore, much of the cohort of western satanism is aligned with their fellow satanist sabbateans to accomplish this agenda using vast sums of western nations’ money – and manpower and military equipment. It makes no sense to sane, thinking people in various countries of the West who are on the brink of financial ruin in nations with crumbling infrastructure and shortages – like the US.
Western nations’ peoples are waking up to being “played” by the satanist “deep state” over which the sabbateans hold tremendous power. My Jewish extended-family members and jewish friends know that the greatest enemy the rank and file jewish people have on the planet are these sabbateans who walk among them and have death-jabbed many of their family members in Israel just like they set them up in Europe for the holocaust death camps. The rank and file are cannon fodder to these monsters to be used for ungodly agendas as they see fit.
I totally disagree with Lior that the separation between Europeans and Russians will remain, once the hidden agendas are exposed to the Europeans – and Americans, too.
On energy: there are vast numbers of devices, pieces of energy technology, that have been patented and sitting on the shelf for decades and are not allowed to be produced openly because they would upset the plan for total control of energy by deep state. Some of this is relatively simple technology that could go into production in very short order once those with access to, and familiarity with, this tech could make it without being killed, as many have been. THIS is the energy tech that will make the difference. Petroleum is garbage as energy / fuel and as a tough lubricant. And it is filthy. Coal is in a similar category, though maybe not as bad.
Kanye hasn’t probed the satanic element, maybe because he has dabbled and doesn’t want that brought out. He needs to investigate and clean up his pitch. The people he is really talking about are the enemies of rank-and-file jewish people MORE than they are of anyone else. I suspect that many in Israel are finding that out, though for many it is too late. No other group has been more abused by these wicked elites than jewish people who very often idolize these very same elites. It is very sad. THEIR story needs to be heard – and it will be, eventually.
God bless you for your work.
A point of clarification, based on what Lior said about globalization. We have to differentiate here: Global trade at a true massive/global scale (starting with the Portuguese empire, followed by the Spanish, British, Dutch, French, later to the U.S., etc) has brought an enormous amount (too much to count) of benefits and economic prosperity, etc for many countries.
Although to be fair, at various times (especially in last ~150 years) at the expense of other people/countries. That said, CENTRALIZED GLOBAL SYSTEMS/ORGANIZATIONS and especially a GLOBAL GOVERNMENT with actual abilities/powers to have major influence on laws/regulations/etc; or worse, to actually enforce said laws/regulations/etc, WILL ALWAYS BE DETRIMENTAL TO the PROSPERITY, HEALTH & WELLNESS & many other BAD THINGS.. FOR the MAJORITY of PEOPLE IN EVERY (not just some) COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. #Absolute power (especially centralized with national/global reach) over much/many, corrupts absolutely!
I think this guy is very optimistic. Everyone else I have listened to. Say we are ready into depression numbers. 2 and going into thrid quarters of negative numbers. Housing and real inflation numbers is all bad. Tell me how Amazon got screwed? No the rich didn’t get screwed. That is still coming. Profits will tricke down.
Don’t understand what he is talking about with the price of eggs. If eggs are $2 a doz and shoot up to $7 in 2 yrs isn’t that over 300%? He said it was a supply demand and excess money. But eggs are used by everyone all the time. The cost of eggs is likely up do to feed shortage and energy costs. So at the core of a lot of this is Biden energy policy in addition to the shut down. He did this energy shut down at the worst time and can only mean one thing as he sits on his ass and does nothing to fix it.