Lior Gantz – The Old Economic World Is Coming To An End, A New Economy Will Take It’s Place
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Today’s Guest: Lior Gantz
11 Major Gold Catalysts –
2022 Full Economic Outlook –
Putin’s Checkmate On The West –
Putin Making A Power Grab In Europe –
It’s One Failure After Another –
Lior runs numerous successful businesses, and has traveled to over 30 countries in the past decade, he is an entrepreneur and investor. He is the founder of Lior begins the conversation talking about inflation and how the Fed will not be able to control it. The old economic system is transitioning into a new system.
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I am tired of listening to what is happening and what is going to be the big storm. Just get Trump back in office
so our country isn’t destroyed. NOW!!!
So, this guest seems to say the gov’t departments & the Fed were just NON PERCEPTIVE in handling the COVID shutdowns. Apparently he has NO CLUE that RUINING the ‘economy’ was PART of their PLAN to impoverish the NATION & ALL the people within it – in EVERY NATION – Except, of course, their estimable SELVES. Meanwhile, FAUCI & his gang of murderous PHARMA THUGS got FILTHY RICH. Your guest seems clueless in the first 7 minutes. That’s all of MY time he gets. Bye.
Dave, check out Reventure Consulting on youtube for a thorough analysis of the housing and rental situation.
You are mandatory listening for the family every evening, keep it up.
woah this Lior gantz is way out in space. He speaks of magic and mans ability to weild it ,when in fact the markets sre way in over their heads in debt and Taxation will kill its abilty to gain control because the people will stand up against the taxes and the decrease in living standards. Watch out for the Mobilization of Peoples rights to Jobs to inventions and to freedom. The state of the feds will become as the distruction of the parasite……………..
There is only one reason, or cause, of inflation: too much currency in relation to existing supply of goods. Wage inflation and/or price inflation is a symptom of excess currency – also called devaluation. Actually, the Fed acted alright, monetarizing Congress’s excess spending by printing currency. Higher interest rates only discourages spending by individuals and businesses which is not the cause and therefore not the cure. Here is another truth: we have had inflation since 1972 running about 10% a year… almost everything has doubled every decade since then (even during the 80s). On the up side; any ‘destruction’ of the currency is also a ‘destruction’ of debt… cutting debt will reduce the money supply (deflation which is the cure). Banksters, speculators, tax collectors don’t like that
Until i see results I’m not impressed, patriots are winning?
Winning what? Something we already know! Two recent presidents bought compounds off the mainland ! That’s significant,’ what ever that indicates. It can’t be good. My read on that is SEE YA! WOULDN’T WANNA BE YA! The ones that are prepared are well to do and capitalizing
On even more. Masks
Emergency food rations, hospitals received one hundred thousand per head that were placed on a ventilator.
So naturally eeeeverybody walked through their doors tagged with covid regardless! Virus on purpose vaccine kept it going kept it mutating.agends 21 moving right along like a well oiled machine. So much exposed and not one official did a thing. You mexicans are in for a rude awaking! They just want your vote. Whatever they gave you it’s temporary. They will take all of it back and punk you like the rest. 2/3 of the population are going byebye anyway. They get it all back!!! I got a feeling one world order leaders are in for a big surprise. It may even happen during the economic forum! Don’t get spooked now, go on and have a good time.
I think Jr. is way off kilter on the food shortages, so much so, I might doubt much of what he said. He is just wrong on the food shortages in USA. So wrong!
Tell Lior to not use that word “Reset” haha
Now that people have finally been listening it is different world. I deal with municipalities daily. I am very happy to let more people know how their monies is being spent and why nothing of importance seem to get done. Their underhanded actions have effectively destroyed the economy of the country, and of course the world, we will be looking at higher taxes and less projects from the municipal world. Less projects started and completed, less jobs. The snow ball is building. Fortunately the public is now watching and the snow ball may just crush those that started it.