Mark & Seth – Election Transparency Is The Only Way Forward, It’s Time To Show The World
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Today’s Guest:Mark Finchem & Capt. Seth Keshel
Election Fairness Institute:
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Mark Finchem is the creator and owner of the Election Fairness Institute. Seth Keshel researches election fraud. Mark begins the conversation discussing how the election are fraud lent and the latest elections were rigged. Seth picks up the conversation explaining that the system was designed to cheat and the only way forward is election transparency. Trump is ready to show the world how the [DS] cheated in the elections, soon the world will know. Once the people see how the cheating is done and how the [DS] works with foreign governments to overthrow the US government it is game over. Time to show the world.
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Election integrity in a voting system controlled by Satan. Yeah, as if that were possible.
Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
This control by Satan is VERY soon to end. The Great Tribulation, we have been told by the faithful slave appointed by Jesus), is very near. So make your decision now; participate with Satan, OR, search out those who walk in Almighty God’s Holy Name (which He chose for himself) and live through what is quickly coming. If you have questions, please ask, or email me; [email protected]. I can also direct you to a FREE online Bible study course if you desire to study the Bible.
60-year-anniversary of JFK’s assassination next week. Let’s pray that Trump is kept safe next week.
More blah, blah, blah. We’ve heard the exact same stuff for 2-3 years. The SAME crap for 2-3 years. No one believes one thing will happen. Just like no arrests for the last 2-3 years. “Overcome the cheating”???
Oh yes. Like the Red Wave rah-rahing of 2022? You sound like a broken record. And BTW, Meagan Wolfe is still in office. Shocker……