Mary & Tara – Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine
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Today’s Guest: Mary O’Neill & Tara Rodas
Americas Future
Federal Register
Tara Rodas
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Mary O’Neill is the Executive Director and finance manager of America’s Future, Inc. Tara Rodas is a Federal Whistleblower Exposing Government-Sponsored, Taxpayer-Funded Child Trafficking in HHS’ Unaccompanied Children Program. Tara begins the conversation explaining how the government is complicit in child trafficking. Child trafficking is big business for corporations and government. The US border is the most funded for child trafficking. Mary and Tara are fighting against this education people to spot child trafficking.
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That really is the vilest of evil there could ever be. Those using children like this need to have millstones tied around their necks and cast into the sea. (per God’s Word) There go I but for the grace of God.
Earth is cooling — 1.48°F. That is how much the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is down in 2022 from a peak in 2012, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This means an average cooling of temperatures by nearly 1.5°F in the last 10 years. ( Climate change lies; this video is very necessary to understand how big the lies really are. And the lies date back for 50+ years!
Nobel Prize laureate, over 1,600 scientists and professionals declare: There is NO climate crisis; The Paris Accords Carbon Tax Exposed Yet most people ‘believe’ that the earth is heating up because of excess CO2, which is a lie; more CO2 means more green plants which NEED CO2 to live AND to produce oxygen. This is basic high school science information showing us that this is a self-balancing action that our planet was designed with by the Creator. Please listen to the next part very carefully; Laboratories in Germany Publish Evidence That There Is No Virus and That COVID Does Not Exist! Think about this; Up to 80% of people are gullible enough to take a depopulation bioweapon injection because they were told it’s a “vaccine.” This demonstrates that the Bible is correct when we are told that man is not capable of self-rule; Rev. 4:11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.” If 4 out of 5 people are gullible enough to line up and be injected with a bioweapon — while lecturing everyone else for being “anti-science” — there’s not much hope for our species as a whole. And no, I did not take the ‘jab’; I have never been vaccinated and never will be. I read, more than 40 years ago, about how bad ALL vaccines are! ALL vaccines impair your immune system, which leads to much higher usage of big pharma’s drugs. Now, do you really think that is all just a coincidence? If you do, have I got some great deals for you where you can make millions! Or, you can turn to the Bible for answers, especially as to who actually rules the earth, and that ruler is Satan; Luke 4:1-8.
NOTE; Rapid cognitive decline is spreading across all countries where bioweapon jabs were administered in large numbers. Critical thinking is all but gone. Public education is nearly non-existent, and high school graduates can’t do basic math. If you have questions about anything political or religious in general, ask, or email me; [email protected] OR [email protected]. I can also direct you to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use at your convenience.