Patrick Colbeck – We Caught Them All, Audits Will Lead To Decertification Of The Election
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Today’s Guest: Patrick Colbeck
Website: Let’s Fix Stuff
Decision Day
Patrick is an aerospace engineer, author, former elected official, and former candidate for governor in Michigan. Served Two 4-yr Terms in Michigan Senate. Patrick was on the frontlines during the elections, he was a poll watcher. He describes how he noticed that the Dominion system was connected to the internet and when he questioned this they told him to not to worry about it. Patrick is on the front lines auditing the Antrim country elections. He has found that the systems are connected to the internet via a cell phone chip. Ballots were dropped off in the middle of the night with no chain of custody. Other software was installed on the voting machines which were not certified. Once fraud is produced the elections will be decertified.
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MAYBE the military intervenes? Are you really walking back the Q narrative, Dave? Just asking.
Yay! This whole fraudulent demonic set up is coming down! Hallelujah!!!
Garbage. If the Biden Admin is illegitimate than any EO or law he signed is also illegitimate!!!
Aloha Dave! Just sharing
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To be fair. No body wants a proctology exam.
Hard to believe that a judge doesn’t know the difference between a “review” and an “audit”.
What they performed was a recount. An audit tests every process from the second the ballot leaves the voters fingers to when it’s counted and after. THEY’RE CALLING A RECOUNT AN AUDIT. You can call poop honey, but in the end all you have is stinky honey. A recount is a recount, not an audit.
Whole world including Dems knows Biden cheated except RINOs and we are still very upset that justice department is ignoring intentionally. There was a video Biden made that Obama and Biden put very extensive and inclusive election fraud plan for 2020,so they make sure Biden wins.
The path forward after the audits prove the techie fraud..seems that even Dominion Execs may have partially been in the dark..Eric Commer is the guy you need-stated this several times-let him not off the hook..
Break some backs.
Subchapter I. Actions Against Officers of the United States.
§ 16–3501. Persons against whom issued; civil action.
A quo warranto may be issued from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in the name of the United States against a person who within the District of Columbia usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or exercises, a franchise conferred by the United States or a public office of the United States, civil or military. The proceedings shall be deemed a civil action.
According to the Federal Rules and Regulations…”The Proponent of the Rule has the burden of proof” and in this affair it is the Election Commission who would be responsible as to the burden of proof…for they are putting forth the rule that the election has been fairly certified…this is in a Society based upon the Rule of Law…so until this is openly addressed by all parties then we as a society based upon the rule of law…especially witn something that is to the essence of what a free society is supposed to be about…following it’s law…then we cannot afford not to follow the laws or otherwise we could just well be considered a rogue society rogue nation before the Laws of Nations…we already have too much discord in our Nation to allow something that is so essential to our way of life to be squandered by criminal actors for criminal intent with who knows what kind of other crime could follow. Those who would oppose any lawful attempt to look into the fraud of this past election ..if there was any…then they are in Treason to the Law form,,,and whether they are an election Commissioner, a President, a Governor…they are all liable in a society based upon the Rule of Law to suffer the consequences of Treason…so as to your pecuniary needs in this world…could i suggest a very good investment…would be Jute Rope…my caveat on that is that I am not a certified Investment counselor…strictly my opinion…let the buyer beware
I listened to Pat Colbeck and I’m not surprised. The court is corrupted. The constitutional remedy is the grand jury can investigate and indict anyone on their own accord. Proof is Williams v US 1993. Antonin Scolia in majority decision wrote the grand jury can investigate and indict if it finds evidence of evil doing. The Magna Charte holds true today as it did then. The Supreme Court said so. So form a Grand Jury yourselves and remind the Sheriff he is elected and the people are sovereigns not sovereign. Chisholm v Georgia John Jay chief Justice of the Supreme Court in majority decision said so on the first page. The “s” on sovereigns is key noting the individuals in people.